9 | orgins

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A week later I was finally discharged from the hospital. I had full range of my arm, but although it still hurt, I could move it.

Ghost had been the one to pick me up, but I could tell he was worried about going back. Something had happened there and I don't know if I was ready to face it.

The ride was quiet, and I stared out the window for the majority of it. Occasionally I took glances at Ghost, but his eyes stayed glued to the road.

I couldn't tell if it was an awkward silence or a comfortable silence, but either way, I needed to start some sort of conversation.

"Are you hungry?"


"I am."


I purse my lips.

"Can we get Mcdonald's?"

"I hate Mcdonald's."

I groan silently, "What about Dairy queen?"


"Okay... how about... Chick-fil-a?"

"They're homophobic."

I furrow my brows, "Fine," I mumble, "Wendy's?"

He hesitates, "Fine."

"I'll get a 6-piece spicy nugget meal with a chocolate frosty and... what do you want?"


"And then we'll have a small fry!"

"Anything else for you?"

"Nope that's all!"

"I said I didn't want anything."

"Just drive."

He huffs, pulling forward to the window.

"You have cash you can pay for all of this with?" He asks.

I smile, shaking my head no as I lean over the middle console.

He groans, lifting his hips as he digs his hand into his pocket. He pulls out a black wallet, opening it then pulling out a twenty as the woman opens the window.

"A 6-piece spicy nugget with a chocolate frosty and a small fry?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, 6.97 is your total."

He hands the woman the twenty.

He places his elbow on the console, turning his head to me and raising his eyebrows before the woman sticks her hand out of the window with the bag of food, his eyes still locked on me.


He turns his head back toward the girl, grabbing the food from her before taking his change.

"Thank you," He says before putting the bag into my lap. It smelled heavenly.

He drives off and I unpack the contents like a ravenous dog. I place the frosty into the cup holder, put my nuggets and fries between my legs, then hand Ghost his tiny little box of fries.

"So adorable," I coo, placing them into his ginormous hands.

He rolls his eyes, keeping one hand on the wheel as he lifts his mask so the fabric was resting just under his nose.

I couldn't help but stare and I know you would too.

He had a soft jawline, but when he chewed the muscles tensed up, causing him to have the sharp jawline every girl thirsts over. He had light stubble too, like he had just shaved his face a few days ago. His lips were a light pink, and he had thin lips that were equally protruding off his face.

"I can feel you staring," He says flat.

"Why do you hide your face?" I ask through a mouth full of fries.

The question was stupid and blunt, but my tongue was uncontrollable.

"Have you asked König the same thing?"

"To an extent."

He hums, putting the box of fries into his cup holder before his fingers hook into the fabric of the ski mask, pulling it back over his face.

"Wait! I don't mind."

"I do though."

I sigh, turning away. The car falls silent again yet this time it was the uncomfortable kind I was dreading would happen.

"If we're going to be partners, we're going to have to trust eachother."

"We aren't partners."

"We work together, Ghost."

"By force. I never asked for this."

"Let's start with this. My name is Blake Pearson. I was born in Montana but my family moved to North Carolina to help my Grandma when she got sick. I have one brother named Jackson. He's 18. I started training when I turned 17. My dad was in the military and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. I met Phillip Graves when I turned 19 in a coffee shop in Orlando. I joined Shadow Company a few months later. I served with Graves before he had died, then was transferred to Kortac. I got my name from being the best and toughest swimmer on the force. Barracuda."

I finish, waiting for a just as detailed answer.

He inhales deeply, then begins, "My name is Simon Riley. I was born in Manchester..."

He swallows.

"I don't have any brothers or sisters. I joined SAS at an early age and... the ghost mask was something I wore to give honor to a lost friend of mine. That's it."

It was an awkward answer, obviously leaving out specific details I was too scared to ask for. He seemed tense even talking about it.

"Simon," I repeat, "I like it."

"Don't wear it out."

"Yes sir."

I sit back, satisfied in his lackluster answer. I initially wasn't expecting to get anything out of him at all but somehow, he had opened up briefly. Now, I had the obvious feeling that things were left out for a reason, but that was for him to decide.

Everything is for a reason when it comes to Ghost.

ghost eyes (by me 😇🫶)

I have also made a Spotify playlist of songs for this story :)

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I have also made a Spotify playlist of songs for this story :)


Since you can't really press it, I'll post it on my conversation board as well as in my bio

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now