13 | spirit

684 32 26

The last thing König and Dash expected to happen was for one of us to bring back an injured person. Ever since we had been brought into 141, our lives had been nothing but bloodshed and chaos. Working for Graves was better than this bullshit.

When they see us, they immediately rise to their feet, running over. König takes Chimbo from my grip, throwing him over his shoulder like a rag doll.

Chimbo was tiny. Tiny compared to all the men in the force I guess. He was 5'8, but I was also 5'8 so I really didn't have a say.

Chimbo's weight was nothing to König and as soon as he picked him up, he started yelling German curse words at us like we could understand. We just followed him as he ran through the field.

"Laswell, Chim's shot," I hear Price say through the comms. I zone out her answer, focusing on my foot placement.

König finds a road, stopping by it as he impatiently waits for a car to arrive. A few seconds later, the black Jeep rolls down the hill, coming to a screeching stop at it lands in front of us.

Chim didn't look too good.

König throws him into the backseat, scooting in next to him before I get in as well. Dash takes the back seat where the medical was.

Chimbo was our man, the guy with the jokes, the guy who always made everything better. If we lost him, nothing would be the same.

I wouldn't be the same.

"Gabe, komm jetzt," König says, holding Chimbo's hands in his. They were like brothers, and losing him would be the equivalent of losing a part of himself.

His voice cracked through the German he spoke to him, then his hands move to his face, his fingers prying through the holes in his mask to wipe his eyes.

"Dash hurry!" I scream.

"I'm trying!" She yells back, her voice shaky as she grabs the small tube for a transfusion.

We made a pact that if we ever had to do this, Dash would be the one to do it. As our designated type O, this was her job.

She then climbs over the seat, and I climb into the passenger seat next to Laswell as Dash takes my place.

She closes her eyes tightly, then sticks the needle into her upper forearm before she does the same to Chim.

Blood transfusions were a way to give blood back to the person who needs blood, but in this case, I don't think it was working.

Suddenly, Chimbo's chest rises, his body shaking as he starts coughing.

Blood runs down his chin onto his chest.

"Scheiße!" König yells, dragging his fingers through the dark blood.

I swallow, closing my eyes as I prepare myself. I suck back any tears threatening to fall from my eyes because crying would help nothing.

Chimbo was dying and nothing we could do could save him.

His breath was labored and heavy, his face pale as his eyes flicked across König's terrified eyes. His eyes were a dark brown, but second after second, the color was turning a dark grey. The life from his body was floating around the car, going in and out as blood from Dash's arm pumped into him.

Gabe starts to cry, scared whimpers falling from his blood-covered lips. The once entertaining, courageous, and fearless persona had left his body, replacing it with someone scared and terrified of death.

Chim's hands weakly ride up the sides of König's arms until they were on the back of his shoulders. He pulls him slowly toward him, and as he does, König snakes his arms under his, pulling him to his body in a hug.

"I love you guys," Gabe whispers, his voice choked up with tears and blood.

Dash takes the needle out of his arm, then out of hers. There was no use in saving him if he was already gone.

His whimpers stop, his hands going limp as they hang off König's shoulders. He had let go, no fight left in him. König keeps his arms wrapped around him, his masked face buried into his neck.

My breath was steady, my face relaxed as I stared at the two of them. As the spirit let him, the spirit had left all of us.

"We're getting him to a hospital either way," Laswell says softly, "The blood will be on the Russian's hands, not ours."

"He's dead," I tell her, my voice flat of emotion, "No use in saving the dead."

"I understand, but if we can get him to a hospital..."

"No," I tell her, "We're not doing that. Gabe hated hospitals. Hated everything about them."

She purses her lips, nodding slightly, "Okay."


I did not write this, my conscience did and I do not approve of its decision to kill off my man chim

since his nickname wasn't discussed, Gabe (Chimbo) was a very lighthearted guy who loved to make jokes to make everyone feel better. He fully embraced his masculinity and femininity and, for example, if you were to ask to put makeup on him, he would say yes before you could even get the sentence out.

He was very much straight, but he would often go around talking and presenting himself in gay stereotypes. He often popped his hip and flicked his wrist, talked in a girl's voice, and even flipped his hair.

Which is why his name is Chimbo, chick in a males body.


𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now