5 | we ain't here to hurt nobody

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^ song: Give it to me - Timbaland ^

The night was crisp, a sharp cold in the air that nipped at my exposed skin when I exited the car.

"Have fun guys," Rodolfo says from the driver's seat, "Don't die."

I huff a laugh, "We'll try our best."

When we all get out of the car, Rodolfo drives off. I switch on my earpiece as everyone situates themselves.

Soap was my escort and Ghost was Dash's. They both looked divine in their dress pants and button-up shirt. This was one of those exclusive clubs, so dress attire was required.

For me, the heels I had on were already killing my feet even if they were only 3 inches tall.

"Let's get this done," Soap says, the Scott in him extra pronounced. He wraps his arm around my waist, and out of the corner of my eye, I watch Ghost do the same thing to Dash.

We approach the bouncer outside the club and he asks for our names to which we give him: "Fiona Smith, Emily Jones, Cooper Williams, and Thomas Adams."

I wonder how those people were going to get in later. Not my problem if they don't.

The bouncer lets us in and the second I step inside, my nose is crowded with the smell of expensive alcohol and cigarettes.

"You take the left side of the dance floor," Ghost tells Soap. He nods, and we go our separate ways.

Our plan was to blend in with everyone and, as stupid as it sounds, dance to all our victims. This was going to be one hell of a night whether it takes forever or whether it takes 20 minutes.

All I knew is that I needed some sort of drink.

"Come to the bar with me," I yell at Soap over the music before grabbing his hand and dragging him across the floor.

The song playing was upbeat, the perfect late 2000s song to get me in the mood to dance.

I drag Soap through the crowd of people, then, I spot one. Valeria said they were all required to wear the same thing to get into the club, so spotting them wouldn't be hard, and when we did, we would know.

I turn to Soap, putting on my act as I kept walking toward the man. I sling my arms over his shoulders before leaning into his ear, "I see one. Just follow my lead."

With one of my hands, I grab his hands, placing them on my waist before I put them back on his shoulders. I sway my hips to the music as I slowly walk backward.

I look down at him, laughing as he just walks forward, "Look normal, Soap!" I laugh over the music.

"I don't know how to dance!"

"Oh my god!" I yell over the music, "Why would she send you then!?"

"Because I'm so awfully attractive."

I step on his foot before I continue backward.

We were so close, so close that Ghost had seen the same person. I look back, seeing him just on the other side of the man. I hit my comms, "This one's mine, Ghost. Back off."

"I saw him first."

"No, you didn't. Fuck off."

I catch his eyes from across the floor, his lids squinting before he whispers something into Dash's ear. They go the other way.

I turn back to Soap leaning into his ear to whisper the plan, "I'm gonna bump into him, I'm gonna apologize, then you're gonna come from behind and stab the knife into his neck."

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now