3 | trust

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"Was ist los?"

I huff, reloading the gun before shooting at the dummy in the middle of the room.

"I can't believe he would say that."

"Say what?" König asks.

"You look good tied up in that chair," I mock, "Who the fuck says that? And he got praised after it as well."

"I don't think he meant anything mean."

I shake my head, "Not mean. Just... I don't even know."

He takes a step toward me, placing one of his hands on the gun before he lowers in, "Ungesund."

I allow him to take the gun from me before I slide down the wall in frustration. He follows, placing himself next to me.

I rest my head against his bicep, sighing before I speak, "I can't believe all of us were so stupid."

"I kinda like it here," He says, "It's warm."

I groan, "C'mon König. You can't be serious."

He shrugs, causing my head to follow his movement, "I think this will be good for us. We can take down Makarov easier."

I bite down on my lip, chewing at the dried skin, "I guess."

He twitches his arm before he uses the wall to get to his feet. He displays a hand, "Come. We have to go back."

I grab his hand, and he picks me up off the ground like I weighed nothing. Before we start walking, he drops my hand.

After the day ends and after awkward glances at each other and awkward games of Uno, Valeria finally gives us back our backpacks. Our guns were gone for good though.

I wonder what would happen if we try to sneak out tonight. I huff at the thought, what a stupid question.

I sit down on the bed, my back facing Dash as I untie my boots. For fucks sake, this "base" was a fucking mansion and we both received double beds. Although poor König had to sleep on the pull-out couch because the beds were too small for his size.

"Yo! Mini-fridge!" Chimbo yells, running over to the small black fridge tucked in the order of the room. He opens it, pulling out a Dr. Pepper.

I roll my eyes, "You guys are getting way too comfortable here."

"I agree," Reaper says, "They are still technically our enemies. What if we can't trust them? Just because we have a common enemy doesn't mean they aren't going to smother us in our sleep."

I raise my brows, a smug smile forming across my face at the excellent point he had made. I kick my boots across the floor.

"I think we shouldn't not trust them," Dash starts, "But obviously we should watch out, be on our toes."

I point at her, making sure everyone heard her good point as well.

"Okay so mutual agreement to not totally trust them?" Chimbo says as he pops open the can of soda.

"Yes," Everyone says. The room goes back into its comfortable silence again, everyone digging through their bag for clothes to wear to sleep. I pull out an oversized shirt that I've been wearing for way too long. It was stained with paint and had holes everywhere.

I strip of my shirt, everyone doing the same as they get undressed out of the blood and dirt-battered clothes they had been wearing all day.

I watch as König turns away from us as he takes off his mask, a common occurrence when we all have to share a room. I had his back imprinted in my mind from all the times I had stared at it and every time I saw a new wound I would paint that in my mind as well.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now