21 | captured by the future

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The weight of the gun in my hands was enough to bring back all the terrible memories of this shit.

You know, a lot of vets kill themselves after being in war like this. I didn't, but maybe I should've, then I wouldn't have to be here right now.

They had everyone I used to know here. We were all older, wiser, but nothing really changed except a few new scars.

Between everyone that was here, easily capable of getting Ghost themselves, I was just an extra hand. Private Cuda, that's basically what I was.

This was a waste of my time.

The dirt road under us was rocky, our bodies moving up and down as we all sat in the back of the truck.

No one spoke.

There were missing seats, seats that Dash, Chimbo, and Reaper occupied. Now, they were empty. As well as Ghost and Gaz's chairs. All the chairs besides Gaz's were replaced with new Privates. People I didn't know the name of and didn't care for the name of.

I made eye contact with König several times throughout the journey. He had retired the mask, now, his scarred face staring back at me instead of just his blue eyes.

He had a permanent frown on his lips, his eyebrows always turned down as his eyes were half-lidded. He looked war hardened. At least more than the last time I had seen him.

He also had a tattoo on his wrist of a date. 11/05/23.

I'm not sure what it stood for, but I was too scared to ask.

"Go! Go! Go!" Price yells, whipping his hand in a circle as we all pile out of the van.

The sun blinded me and I immediately threw a hand up to cover my eyes. I wasn't used to all this light, especially living in New York in the winter, as well as barely leaving the house.

When my eyes adjust, everyone was already running forward. I start running too, trying to keep up with them as we make our way up the hill.

My breath was heavy, my lungs moving fast. I was slowly being left behind, but I kept going.

Price may have been right about one thing, which was rare, but I did still love Ghost.

I pushed and pushed my way up the hill and as soon as I catch up to everyone, I was a hot, sweaty mess.

König places a hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay, Cuda?"

I twitch my shoulder, throwing his hand off me, "Don't touch me."

He drops his hand, huffing with annoyance.

We pick up the pace again. I didn't know what we were doing, or where we were going. Price had just told me to follow the crowd and that I am here for a reason, despite my arguments about it.

I felt like shit. I felt like throwing up. I was dizzy, nauseous, and overheated. I wasn't built for this before and I sure am not built for it now.

After a year of not doing anything but crying while eating pizza and occasionally pulling my hair out, they were throwing me back into the pit with no training whatsoever.

Price had expected it to all come back to me, but I had pushed this part of my life so far away from me it was as visible as the stars in a bright afternoon sky.

We approached a tall house-like building where I assume Ghost was being held. I had a gut feeling that if we were going to go in there, something would die.

"Cuda," Price starts, landing by my side, "This is all you, girl."

I blink at him, "What the fuck do you mean this is all me? I'm not going in there alone."

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now