11 | threats

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Instead of going back to Valeria's safe house, we went straight to a hangar just in time to see everyone boarding the jet.

I was barely out of the hospital and we were already getting sent on deployment again.

"Your clothes are already in there," Ghost says as if he knew what I was thinking.

Alejandro, Ghost, and I exit the car, making our way to the plane. The first person who sees me is Chimbo, and before I could blink, he was already running toward me.

But, a body blocks my vision, and he stops.

"Be careful with her," Ghost says before stepping out of the way to reveal everyone else behind Chimbo.

Chimbo hugs me first, gentle on my arm as he wraps himself around me.

"I thought you died," He said, "You never came back.

I laugh, wrapping my arms around him, "I never die."

He smiles, then the line of people forms, waiting to greet me back.

Dash is next. She grabs my hands tightly in hers, leaning forward, "I'm so mad at what Valeria did, but I'm glad you're alive. That was pretty fucking scary."

"I never fully trusted her," I tell her. She smiles, shaking her head in disbelief before she steps off to the side.

Next is Reaper, and although he never liked to display any affection, he actually hugged me.

"God, I thought we lost you."

I wrap my arms around him, burying my face into his neck, "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too, kid."

Finally, there stood König in the back, waiting patiently as he watched from above as the people in front of him all greeted me.

"Come here," I say, giving him the go as I spread my arms out. He didn't waste a second before he steps forward quickly, scooping me up in his arms and he sways me from side to side.

"Don't ever do that again," He whispers.

I chuckle, "Not like I wanted it."

He sets me down, keeping his hands on my shoulders, "I was so worried about you."

I smile up at him, his blue, worried eyes staring down at me, "I'm sorry, bär. But I'm okay now."

His eyes squint, and I could tell he was smiling. I hadn't used our nicknames for each other in a while.

"I missed you, bärchen."

"I missed you too, König."

The plane ride was painfully awkward for whatever reason. I tried to make conversation with Ghost since he was sitting next to me, but he refused to speak.

"Okay, what the fuck? Why are you being like this?"

"I'm tired," He simply says.

I huff, "Don't lie."

He stays silent, pulling out his phone. He opens it, but quickly swipes out of the tab he was in.

Wow. That jealous bastard.

On safari was google translate, the words Bär and Bärchen put into it.

"Really Ghost? Is that why you aren't speaking to me?"

I receive a few curious glances.

"I was curious."

I sit back, crossing my arms, "Really? Cause I think you're jealous."

He whips his head over to me, "Why would I ever be jealous of that thing? He can't even speak a word for his life let alone fight."

The words hit me as hard as they hit König whose eyes were on us the entire time.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Apologize right now."

"For what? Speaking the truth. Even he knows it."

My jaw ticks and it felt like I was about to break my teeth by how hard I was biting down. I stand up, landing in front of him before I take a blow to his face. My fists hit the side of his cheek, and his hand creeps up slowly, feeling the bone.

Before I can process, he's tackling me to the ground. He lands on top of me as the back of my head hits the ground. I yelp out in pain as the arm that was doing better suddenly gets absolutely crushed. He pulls a knife from his leg before anyone could stop us, pressing it to the bottom of my throat before he whispers, "Touch me again like that, and I'll slit your throat."

My breath was heavy, my eyes locked on his as I keep my neck still, not moving a single inch. Then the weight falls off of me, and Ghost rolls to the side. I turn my head, seeing Price as he places his foot back on the ground and his hands on his hips.

"What the fuck are you two doing? You're a team! Act like one!"

Ghost readjusts his ski mask, his eyes burning through my skin as he stands up, sliding the knife back into its cover.

I flick my eyes to König, his eyes staying still as he looks at me. His brows were curved upward, and his glove was off.

I crawl over to him, pushing myself up onto the seat next to him despite the burning pain in my arm.

"I'm so sorry, König. I don't know what happened."

"It's okay," He says softly.

"It's not okay though. He was cruel for no reason and you don't deserve to be spoken about that way."

His head falls, and his hands fall into his lap, his fingers playing with his dirt-filled nails, "It's nothing I haven't heard before."

"Oh, König."

I place my head on his shoulder, grabbing at his hand and tearing it away from his nails. I ball my hand up in his palm and he encloses my hand with his.

Ghost was now sat on the same side as us, but a few people away so we had no way of seeing each other.

Just the other day we were bonding, but now we were fighting and threatening to kill each other. I just simply could not live peacefully around him. He was absolute chaos.


My baby König ☹️


Bär = Bear
Bärchen = little bear

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