4 | girls day

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This might just have to take the top spot of best missions.

When it was announced by Valeria, Dash actually screamed in excitement. I forced myself to not scream as well, but the smile on my face was evidence of my excitement.

A club, blend in, eliminate all enemies, make it to the upstairs without being spotted.

In simpler terms, have a shit good time and do what we're all good at whilst doing it.

Valeria assigned Dash, Soap, Ghost, and me to execute the mission. Soap was best at stealth, he had to be. Hassan wouldn't be dead if he wasn't.

Dash and I were the distractions while Soap and Ghost took out the enemies. There was one thing I was excellent at, and that was distracting.

Though, we couldn't get too excited now. We still needed to go shopping.

"I'll go," König speaks as Valeria asks who would like to escort us. We couldn't bring any weaponry since we were the ones trying things on, therefore, no place to put them.

"Me too," Ghost butts in, causing all of us to turn our heads, "I'll escort Dash."

Of course he would.

I was perfectly fine with König escorting me. He was like like my giant guard dog. I think he liked protecting me anyways.

If this mission wasn't enough, Valeria basically shoves $10,000 into our hands, telling us to do to whatever with it. It may not be well-earned money, but it's money regardless!

Dash and I giddily run out the doors of the house, waiting impatiently by the black car before Ghost and König walk out.

"I'll drive?" Ghost says. König nods, getting into the passenger seat.

They had zero idea how long this day would go on for. They're going to be begging on their knees, whining and crying just to go home to sit down.

"Okay I say we get mani's and pedi's first," Dash says, displaying her fingers spread out. Both of our nails had dirt under them and our cuticles were a nail tech's worst nightmare.

"Agree. I wanna wear heels too, so I want my feet to look good.

"Exactly. Then after we should get our hair done."

I gasp, "Oh my god, yes!"

She and I squeal and I hear a sigh from the front. I knew it was from Ghost since König would never downplay our excitement about something.

He starts the car, backing out of the driveway slowly. He looks back, his eyes behind us as we discuss our plans for the day.

"After that, definitely lunch 'cause I'm going to be starving."

"Agree, agree."

"Last stop mall?" She asks.

"Last stop mall." I repeat.

The two men receive stares as we walk into the small nail shop. As the bell above the door rings, and a small Vietnamese woman walks over.

"What would you like?" She asks.

"Two manicures and pedicures, please," I tell her with a warm smile.

She looks behind her at her colleagues, then turns back to us, "Okay, we fit you in."

I smile, knowing damn well this was going to take two hours.

She leads us over to the pedicure massage chairs, instructing us to sit down. As she turns around, she almost runs into König as he follows us to the chairs.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now