16 | missile

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We made small talk for the next thirty minutes, then mutually agreed that we were both hungry and wanted food.

We rounded up everyone, telling them if they didn't get up now, they weren't getting fed tonight. Finally, we got everyone to the staircase of the building.

"Wait shit," Ghost says, patting down his body, "I forgot my sunglasses."

"It's night out," I say, confused.

He gives me a stupid, mockful, look before turning back.

It was then that I heard a whizzing sound above us. A sharp noise that only military ears could identify.

"Get down!" I yell, but it was too late.

My body flies back, hitting someone else's as we all tumble down the staircase. My body burned with every impact of the stairs, then I land on top of someone.

When I find myself again, I had realized what had happened.

"Ghost!" I scream, my voice breaking as smoke and fire fills my vision. I could hear screams of women and children. Not only did they hit us, but they hit the surrounding apartments.

I felt tears sting my eyes at the thought of Ghost still up there. All for those stupid sunglasses.

I try to push off the body I was planted on, but his arms wrap around me, keeping me in place.

"Let me go!"

"No," The voice growls and I turn to see Price keeping me down, "He's fine."

"Price, let me fucking go!"

I dig in nails into his hands, then bang on his cigar-weakened chest with my fists until his arms finally fall to the side.

I had no clue if there were more missiles coming, but if Ghost was going to die, I was going to die with him.

I run up the stairs, tripping on my way up as I inhaled the smoke from the fire. My lungs burned, and with every breath came a wheeze.

"Ghost! Simon! Fuck where are you!" I yelled, running through the smoke-obscured hallways. The walls were beginning to go up in flames and the screams were seizing. Fucking Russians. Couldn't even wait until it was just us to try and kill, they had to do it in a residential area.

I bust through the door to our leased apartment, and the first thing I saw was a body on the floor.

"Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no," I mumble to myself as I run over. I drop to my knees beside him, ripping off his mask so he could breathe better.

"Simon!" I scream, slapping his face. His eyes jolt open, and he gasps for a breath.

"Get up! We have to go!"

"What happened?" He croaked, trying his best to get up as I hold his forearm with both hands, pulling his body weight to his feet.

"We've been hit, and I don't know how many more are coming so let's go!"

I felt tears stream down my face as his body became weaker and weaker. He had blood running down the side of his face from his head and his skin was a sickly white.

After pulling and pulling, I finally get him to his feet. When I exit the apartment I'm met with König, "I got him, go!"

I transfer Ghost to König, and he helps him down the stairs while I gather everyone else up. On the second flight of stairs down, there was another blow to the building. No screams this go around, but certainly a wave of energy that knocks me off my feet. I stumble down the stairs again, landing on my ass as I get knocked off my feet.

Price comes up from behind me, wrapping his arms under my arms, then lifting me back up.

This was an unfair advantage and definitely an unfair way of trying to kill us off. Missiles against unarmed people. Genius Makarov.

Price taps into his walkie-talkie, "Laswell, this is Price! Makarov's sent missiles our way, hit our building twice. We're moving out now."

"On my way, Captain."

As we move to the final ground, I hear a frightened scream from my left. Through the smoke and fire, two bodies, one small and one large.

I look between the door to safety and them, then I do it again.

I groan, fuck my life.

I separate from the group, running over to the survivor as their face comes into view. It was a little girl next to her mom who had been impaled by a shard of glass from the window in her chest. That's gotta be a brutal way to see your mom die.

I kneel down quickly, talking fast enough so that we could get out of here, but slow enough so she could understand me, "Hey! My name is Blake, I'm a part of the military," I might as well lay it on her, "This building has been hit with a missile ..."

"Cuda let's go!"

"We need to get you out of here now, or you won't survive."

She cries, mucus piling up in her throat as she chokes, "My mama!"

"I know, I know," I say calmly, reaching for her arm. Her grip was strong on her mom, but I was stronger.

"You'll be okay," I say, ripping the small girl off her mom. I bring her to my chest and she immediately wraps her arms around my neck, her legs around my body. I hold the child up as I walk back toward the door Price was holding open for us.

As I walk out, I hear sirens approaching in the distance as well as Laswell's car in front of us.

"Get in!" Price yells.

I pile into the car, keeping the child on my lap as she buries her face into my neck. It was that moment that a type of motherly instinct shot through my body like an electric shock.

I keep her close to me, hugging her tightly as Laswell drives off. I calm my tears into something silent, letting the child know that I wasn't as scared as she was. I needed to be stronger to let her know that it was all going to be okay.

As the silent tears ran down my cheek, I keep my head laid back on the seat, staring up at the ceiling as my ears drown out the noise of the sirens.

Laswell drove fast through the tiny streets, honking at any civilians to get out of her way as she drove as far away as possible. We didn't know where we were going, and she didn't either, but she needed to get us as far away as possible.

Killing civilians would not look good on Makarov's transcript.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now