Wrong phone number

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Wrong phone number

Word count: 3063

Tags: hơi có chút explicit content nha=)), chửi thề nhẹ tại chửi bằng tiếng anh dễ hơn tiếng Việt=)))

Tóm tắt: Eddy gửi mấy tin nhắn sến súa vào điện thoại của Brett. Ban đầu, đó chỉ là một trò giúp Brett vui hơn, rồi từ từ, mọi chuyện dường như bắt đầu trở nên căng thẳng dần.

Nay đổi ngôn ngữ chút nha mọi người. Tại đổi cái mình tuôn ý được không hiểu sao. Chắc tại mới cắm đầu viết luận. TvT


P/S; the timeline is fucked up for my own purpose;)


Brett was so upset after losing his phone. Several valuable memories were stored in that phone, and some were unable to restore. The incident distressed Brett so much that he zoned out the whole day.

Eddy watched helplessly as Brett pouted at his newly purchased phone. His face looked uninterested as he always was, but Eddy knew for sure he was so depressed. He wished he could figure out a way to cheer Brett up. Or at least shift his thoughts to something else.

Eddy was lost in his own thoughts as he saved Brett's new number to his phone. Suddenly, an idea lit up in his head.

He bought a new SIM, inserted it into his old phone, and saved Brett's number. Trolling Brett sounded like a good idea; the two of them always joked around every now and then. So maybe it wouldn't be a big deal if Eddy teased him a bit to cheer him up, would it?



Half-past five, Brett was jogging in the park. It was pretty unexpected of him to do so, but admittedly, he's getting a bit old recently, and his legs were quite worn out. He needed to exercise more, mind you. Usually, at this time, no one would text him so early; if there were, it would be some miscellaneous ads or something like that. So Brett ignored it, and it wasn't until the third 'ting!' that he stopped, wincing, and opened his phone to see who was texting.

"You should be grateful every morning when you look in the mirror to see such a wonderful person."


The fuck?

Brett widened his eyes, proceeding to read the following texts.

"Sometimes it infuriates me to see how disregardful you are to your amazingness."

"It's highly recommended that you appreciate yourself more."

God, what was that?

It was only two days since he bought his phone. He rechecked the number, and it was not so familiar. If someone was ever so... passionate with him like that, he would have known right away. But it wasn't like there was anyone, was it?— This might be a SIM that had been used before, or someone just delivered the messages to the wrong number. Brett contemplated for a moment and decided to reply. A new message appeared before he could press 'send'.

"You don't need to text me back. You don't need to say anything. I'm here to remind you how good you are, and I'll never stop. Even if you try to block me out of your life."

Whoa, whoa, wait, what?

It sounds like a problematic relationship, hey? Brett was bewildered but then decided to leave a reply anyway.

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