I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In...

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I woke up in the morning to hear Hermione and Ash bickering AGAIN. "FOR GODS SAKE I JUST WANNA WAKE UP TO YOU GUYS NOT FIGHTING!" I shout then storm into the bathroom. I take a quick shower then put my pyjamas back on. "It's Sunday love." Ash says sarcastically. I groan. Sunday. The day where we can relax. AND she still makes me get up. "Ash. I love you to bits. But honestly.... STOP BEING SO ANNOYING ITS SUNDAY GODDAMN IT." I scream. "Woah... Are you on your period?" Ash asks me. "No. I'm just sick and tired of me not being able to get any sleep because of your bickering with Mione. Why can't you just be friends?" I ask her. "I don't know. I'm just..." Ash is at loss for words. "Jealous." I say. I get up and look for clothes. "Here." She says and chucks a flowery grey top at me and she chucks white shorts at me! "OMG THESE ARE THE COOLEST THINGS EVER!!!!!" I squeal. "Keep them." She says. I gawp at her. I put them on and do my hair nicely for once. "Tryna make an effort for someone? Preferably Seamus??" She teases. "Oh you wish! How long has it been since Fred wrote to you!?" I smirk. "SHUT UP!" She says. I laugh. I put on some light lipstick and look at her. "You look hot... But there's one thing missing." She says. I look at her confused. "Shoes...." She says. I laugh and put on my white Adidas shoes. I look at her again. She puts her thumbs up in approval. I smile. She was wearing a blue checkered shirt and black jeans with black Nikes. She left her hair out and had dark red lipstick on. That was the only makeup she had on. "Do you not like makeup on the rest of your face?" I ask her. "Bad!" She exclaims. I laugh. I see Hermione glaring at us. "Oh Mione I didn't see you there... I was so busy talking to Ash." I say. "Ash, Ash, Ash. That's ALL you talk about! What happened to me!?" She screamed and then she stormed out. "Well... That was..." Ash said. "Ash..." I started. "Don't have a go at me Abby! It's not my fault I can't get along with her!" Ash screamed at me and stormed out. I groaned and flopped back down onto my bed.

After 10 minutes of mumbling to myself I walked downstairs. I went to the Hall. I saw Hermione sitting next to Ash and Ron. "What the hell...." I mumbled. I walked over and sat next to Seamus. Ash and Mione ignored me completely. Have I just lost the two most important people in my life.

Me and Seamus had a very important conversation on Quidditch. "You know... We haven't had a Quidditch match in a while." Seamus said. "Why don't you ask Harry when the next one is?" I suggested. "I did. But for some weird reason Potter is being really weird." He said. I laughed. "Don't worry about him Seamus. That's Harry's normal behaviour." I said giggling. Seamus laughed. I looked over at Hermione and Ash to see Hermione looked different. I looked over to see all the Slytherin's in their seats. I looked over at Hermione and Ash again to see Ash messing about with Hermione's hair when Hermione turned around. Hermione seemed really jerky.

I went back up to my room and started completing all of my homework. Haven't done some of that in a while. When I finished I had nothing to do. I looked around my room to find Hedwig sitting on my bedside table. I walked over towards her. "Hello Hedwig." I said stroking her. I saw a letter attached to her beak. I pulled it off and gave her some owl food. I don't even have an owl. Why do I have owl food!? I opened the letter. It was from Harry.

'I understand if you hate mine and Ron's guts right now. Abby we love you and we miss you. I haven't talked to you in ages and I miss you. We both miss you. Abby... I feel so different without you. I've seen you having fun with Seamus and I remember how it used to be me. This letter may sound soppy to you... But I'm just telling you how I feel. I really hope you can forgive me. If you can forgive me then send Hedwig back with a reply. I know you've given her owl food because I know you very well. Hermione told me that you never wanted to be in Slytherin. You wouldn't have looked good in green robes anyway. The Quidditch Tryouts are tomorrow. They were meant to be at the start of the year but Professor Dumbledore had already told us about a new student (Ash) so we had to wait. He told us she liked Quidditch. You two together will bring us to victory. I know it. Love you.


I finished reading the letter. It felt so good to have Harry talking to me. I got a quill and a parchment and fed Hedwig some more.

'Hey Harry. I have no clue what you did wrong. The Slytherins got to my head and I was just mad at everyone. But it doesn't matter anymore because I have ended my relationships with ALL Slytherins. It feels so good to not having to sneak around. I feel like such a heavy weight being lifted off my chest. I was so glad when I read the bit about the Quidditch tryouts. I have wanted for AGES to get back on my broom. You know that tingly feeling when you catch the snitch? Speaking of catching the snitch have you decided on what position you're going to play? You'd make a good chaser... Or you can have your seeker position back again. I actually don't mind. I love you too. And Ron. TONS.


I gave Hedwig some more food and tied the letter to her beak. I sent her off. I put on a black hoodie and walked outside near the cliff side of Hogwarts. I heard some screaming near the edge of the cliff and ran there. I saw Hermione trying to push Ash off. I saw Ash gripping on to Hermione and a tree. "HERMIONE DON'T DO THIS!!" Ash screamed with tears in her eye. Hermione gave her a push and I ran. "ASH!" I screamed. I pulled out my wand. "ARESTO MOMENTUM!" I screamed and Ash fell slowly to the ground. I gave Mione a punch and toile them both to the Hospital Wing.

"MADAME POMFREY!" I shouted. She came running out and levitated them both onto different beds. She sent me outside. I saw Harry and Ron. I gave them both a hug. "What happened?" They asked. I explained everything to them. "That's not Hermione. She may not like Ash but she would never resort to that. There was a spell out on her..." Harry muttered and burst into the Hospital wing. "OUT BOY!" Madame Pomfrey screeched. "Just hear him out." I said. "What?" She said sighing. "Hermione had a spell put on her. Do you have a spell to check who fasted three last enchantment?" Harry asked. Madame Pomfrey nodded. She did some weird things with her wand over Hermione and I saw Draco's face appear. I gasped. I ran out of the Hospital Wing to find Draco in the hallway surrounded by his stupid Slytherins. "MALFOY!" I shouted and everyone made a path for me. "Well hello Abby. Long time no see." He says smirking. "I'll make sure you can't see." I say and run towards him. I punch his eye. He holds it and screams in agony. I punch his jaw. I kick him in the balls. He falls to the ground. I kneel down in front of him. "What's wrong. Not enough hands to hold your parts?" I say smirking. "Abby!" I heard someone scream and I look back. I saw Hermione and Ash smiling at each other. They walk toward me and Draco. They both kneel down and punch Draco. I smirk at them. One of his goons come and fix his face... As much as they can. He still has 2 swollen eyes and one broken ball. "Parkinson you may wanna find a rebound tonight. Draco won't be amazing in bed." I announce. She storms off. Everyone goes away. Malfoy leans in toward me. "I'm not scared of you Malfoy." I say bravely. He leans in closer and kisses me. After three seconds I push him away. "What the fuck Malfoy!?" I scream. I look at my friends and run.

-Extra long chapter for you guys. Hope you liked it!! Thanks for reading.!!-




-Antonio Dolohov

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