Well well well...

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I ran all the way to my room. What the hell... Why did Malfoy just kiss me. KNOCK KNOCK! "Yeah?" I asked. "Come outside. It's about Quidditch." Ash said. I walked outside. "Hey..." Ash said. "I don't know what happened Ash. It didn't mean anything to me." I said before she could say anything. I took a seat next to Ron. "Ok thank you all for coming. I know last year I resigned from the team. Just because I had a lot of stress. But now I'm back. And I'm captain." Harry announced. We all cheered. Harry blushed. "Ok so we need an amazing Quidditch team so we can beat the crap out of Slytherin." Harry says loudly. I smirk. "Already did that." Me, Ash and Hermione said in unison. "Haha. We have tryouts in 15 minutes be at the pitch of you want to try out ok?" Harry announced laughing. I nodded. I walked up to my room to find my Quidditch clothes. We were allowed to wear anything comfy in tryouts. "Hey." Ash and Hermione said walking in. "Hey." I said. "Guys I'm really sorry." I tell them. "Don't worry. Malfoy's always been a prick." They say. I laugh. I put on a blue hoodie and shorts with white converses and tied my hair up. I removed all of my makeup and walked outside with Ash. We talked about anything and everything until we got to the pitch and Harry shouted. "OI! SHUT UP!" He screamed. We stared at him. "Beaters over there, Seekers over there, Keepers over there, Chasers over there!" Harry announced pointing to the digger met places. I walked over to the Seeker by and Ash walked to the Chaser bit. "OI POTTER. What you trying out for!?" McLaggen shouted. "Chaser." Harry replied. He looked at me. "ERRM. NO. POTTER GET YOUR ARSE HERE AND TRY OUT FOR SEEKER AND BEAT ME!" I scream. "HAH! You must've gone crazy Abby." He says. "HARRY. You can't hand this over to me AGAIN." I scream. "Oh I'm not. Look behind you." He says. I look behind me and see a year 3 kid. "What's your name?" I ask him. "Travis." He says. "OK. We'll start with Chaser, then Beater then Keeper. Lastly we will have Seekers." He says.

I watched as Ash flew through the sky. She was really good. When she came down, I ran towards her and hugged her. "You were amazing!!!" I screamed. "Thanks!" She screamed back. I watched the beaters and the keepers. McLaggen missed so many. Ron was actually really good. "SEEKERS NOW!" Harry screamed. I got up on to my broom. "Go!" He said. Me and Travis flew up to the sky. We flew around for a bit. "I'M RELEASING THE SNITCH!!" Harry shouted. I saw a flicker of gold and flew towards it. I knew Travis was following me so I led him to the wrong direction. When he wasn't looking I flew towards the snitch. I leaned towards and wrapped my fingers around it. Electricity ran through my fingers. I flew back down to the ground and handed Harry the snitch. "Well done both of you." Harry praised. I smirked. I patted the little boy on his back. "Don't worry there's always next year." I say. He smiles. "Until I get that one too." I whispered to him and walked away with him gawping. What can I say? I have that expression on men. I saw Draco as I was walking inside. He smiled at me. "Malfoy." I say walking past him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the broom closet. "What?" I ask him annoyed. "Why you so angry babe?" He asked. "Don't call me that Malfoy!" I tell him and try to walk out. He pushes me against the wall. "I miss you." He says and kisses me. I want to push him away but I've missed him too. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.

"Let's keep it a secret eh?" He says and I nod. He gives my one last kiss and he walks out. I walk out after him. "What were you two doing in there?" Ash asked me. I didn't realise she was there. "Malfoy tried it again on me but I just screamed at him." I lied to her. "You ok?" She asks me. "Yeah." I tell her and we walk to our dorm. I have a shower and change into my grey jeans and a grey top. I leave my hair out and we walk to dinner. I see Draco and we both smirk at each other. I walk to my table. "So Harry when are you going to be telling us the results?" I ask him. "Tonight." He says. I look at Ash excitedly. It would be amazing if she got a position as a Chaser. We eat our dinner and race up to the Common room. Harry, Ash, Ron, Hermione and I see Draco standing outside the Gryffindor common room. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" I ask him harshly. "Wanted a quick word with you." He tells me. "About?" I ask him with my eyebrows raised. "Last night." He says. "How I screamed at you?" I ask him making him get the hint. "Yes." He says. I tell the others to go in. I pull Draco to a corner. We both smile at each other and we kiss. "Tell me if you get the position ok?" He asks. "Course babe." I tell him and kiss him again. I hear the common room door open. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH MALFOY!" I scream at him. "I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU AGES AGO!" He screams back. He winks at me and walks away. I come out of the corner. "That was loud." Harry says. I laugh and we walk into the common room. I sit down next to Ash. "Ok. I have your Quidditch results here. Keeper is going to be Ron Weasley. Beaters are Jack and Ritchie. Chasers are Seamus, Katie and Ash!" He announces. As soon as I hear Ash's name I leap up to hug her. She laughs. "ALL RIGHT. Seeker..." Harry starts. I twiddle my thumbs. "ABBY." He announces. I smirk. "Yay we're on the team together!" Ash squealed and we hugged.

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