Visit From...

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This chapter is dedicated to Sadie2002 thanks for ur help!'

I know why they were staring at me. I haven't ate or slept in such a long time. From the way you hear me going on about this, you'd think Draco was dead. For all I know, he could be. "Did someone say Harry?" I heard Ron say. I ran downstairs to see Hermy (Grawp's name for Hermione 😂😂) finish hugging Harry. "Harry!" I exclaimed. I ran to him and hugged him. "You alright?" We asked at the same time. "Fine." I said. "You don't look fine!" He said, gesturing to the bags under my eyes. "What's wrong? You can tell us." He said. "Nothing Harry. Go get something to eat. You look like a stick." I laughed. He smiled and went off to eat something. (A/N I know it's night when Harry arrives but I'm going to make it afternoon. Just do it fits into my plan...)
After Harry ate, he dragged me, Hermy and Ron into Ron's room. He shut the door. "Abby what's wrong? Did Draco hurt you!?" He asked. "No! If I tell you, you'll be on his case Harry. Try and understand, please?" I said. "Abby I'm trying, I really am, but you're one of my best friends, and I can't see you hurt." Harry said. "Harry, I'm not hurt!" I shouted. "Then why won't you tell us what's wrong!? You've been distancing yourself from us all summer. You wrote crying after Draco spoke to you, what's wrong!?" Ron shouted. "Fine! Draco's a death eater." I said in a hushed tone. "WHAT!?" They shouted. "Shut up! He did t want to be. He had to. Look, you can't tell anyone. I know you're the Golden Trio and all, and you like to poke your noses into other people's business, but shut up about this!" I said. "Whatever, traitor." Hermy said. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" I shouted. "A traitor. You're going out with Malfoy. We hate him." She said. "No ones telling you to get involved in my relationship." I retorted. "But you can't stop that can you? You just HAVE to get involved." I said. They looked at me with hurt faces. I turned on my heel and left.
"DINNER!" Mum shouted. Not risking going down there again. I started packing for my visit to Ryan and Viktor. I was choosing shoes and clothes to take. "ABBY!!" Mum shouted up the stairs. I'm sure everyone was still eating. I went downstairs. "Yeah?" I asked. Mum took me to the living room. I saw platinum blonde hair. "Draco?" I whispered. He looked at me and smiled. He had a few scars on his face, but other than that, he looked amazing. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "You're okay!?" I whispered. "Course. Life's a lot harder. But it's gonna take a lot more to take me away from you." He whispered back. "I have missed you so much." I said. "Abby you look bad." He joked. I chuckled and hit him on his chest. "I'm sorry for leaving you without any letters. I love you." He said. I kissed him. When we pulled apart, I saw my annoying family, Harry and Hermione standing there. "Hiya." Bill said. I laughed and rolled my eyes at them. "I should be going." Draco said. "Ok." I said. "See you at school." He said. He gave me one more breathtaking kiss and left. "Mum?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. "Can I please join you in your dinner?" I asked. She chuckled and we went to eat. For dinner we were joined by Mad Eye Moody, Remus and Tonks. We had couscous. (Which is apparently a type of rice. I found out a few days ago.. YOU PEOPLE WHO ARE JUDGING ME.. I know who you are... MOOSKAN, SAARAH!)
"Gonna go bed now Mum! Long 3 days ahead of me." I chuckled. We both chuckled. I went up to my room. I changed into my pyjamas. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

When I woke up I jumped out of my bed and went for a shower. I spent ages in there. "OI! Abby are YOU in there!?" Someone shouted from outside. Sounded like Harry. Shit! I left my clothes in my room... I jumped out of he shower and wrapped the towel around myself. I unlocked the door and ran to my room. PHEW! 😅 Hopefully he didn't see anything. I wore a white pemlum top and blue ripped skinny jeans. I wore chelsea boots and straightened my hair and left it out. I put a white beanie on top. I wore a little lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara. I went downstairs to smell a delicious fried breakfast.

"All ready sweetheart?" Mum asked as I walked into the kitchen. She was frying the bacon and wasn't looking at me. She put the bacon onto a plate. She put her spatula down and looked at me. "Oh! You look gorgeous!!" Mum said. I blushed. She gave me a kiss on my forehead. Everyone turned to look at me and I blushed even more... If that's possible. Harry stared at me... Regarding earlier incidents. I took the only available seat between Harry and Hermione. WHY ME!? Mum gave me some breakfast... Bacon and eggs on toast with pumpkin juice. I ate all of it and digested with the pumpkin juice.

-Sorry this chapter was a little late. Okay.. Very late!! Sorry... I'm so proud of this outfit. Inspiration by Sadie2002 -




-Ron Weasley 😘😘

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