Quidditch Game!!

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Ash and I went upstairs and we sat down on my bed. Hermione came. "I'm so happy for you guys!!" She squealed and hugged us. We both laughed. "Anyway you guys should get some rest. You're against Slytherin tomorrow." Hermione informed us. "Yeah Abby. You get to kick Malfoy's ass again." She tells me laughing. I laugh half heartedly. Going against my boyfriend...

When the girls were asleep I got up and got a piece of parchment. I started writing.

'Dear Draco,
I got seeker again. Get ready for me to kick your ass tomorrow.

Love you. X Abby.'

I saw Hedwig and whistled quietly. Hedwig came towards me. I gave her some owl food. I tied the letter. "Give it to Draco Malfoy. Be secretive about it." I whispered and sent her off. "Who are you writing to so late?" I gasped and turned around to see Ash. "Oh Erm... To Bill." I tell her. "This late?" She asked me. "Yeah he wanted me to tell him what position I got and I forgot to do that so I just sent it off. Sorry did I disturb you?" I lied to her. "Oh right. No you didn't. Night." She said and went back to bed. All this lying wasn't good at all.

I woke up in the morning to see the sun was shining. And Hedwig was there. I saw Hermione and Ash get up and I ran towards Hedwig. I untied the letter and sent her off. "Why were you in such a rush to get the letter?" Hermione asked me. "Oh cuz it's private." I tell them. "I thought it was from Bill." Ash said. Oh god. Are they detectives or something!? "Yeah... I tell him private stuff." I tell them. "Right..." They say suspiciously and walk off. I sigh calmly. I sit back down on my bed and open the letter.

'Dear Abby,

My ass ain't gonna be kicked. It's your ass that's gonna be kicked. Sorry I replied so late. The boys were on my case. I've had to lie to them a lot. I'm sure that's the same case with you. Maybe we should tell our closest friends. I won't do anything until you talk to me. Congratulations on seeker 2nd year. Good luck today.

Love you. X Draco'

I read the letter again and thought. Hermione was having a shower and Ash was at the Owlery. I was still in my pyjamas so I put on a hoodie. I ran to the ROR where I knew Draco would be. I ran in. "DRACO!" I shouted. He came out from behind a cupboard. "What the hell are you doing here." He asked me. "I needed to talk to you. Why?" I ask him. "Oh ok." He said and led me to a couch. We both sat down. "I thought about what you said about is telling our closest friends. I think we should. I can't keep lying to them. They mean everything to me. And so do you." I tell him. "Ok." He says. I lean in towards him. "Abby." He says. "Yeah?" I ask him. "At the end of the year, you'll hate me." He tells me. I move back. "Why would I ever hate you." I ask him. "Because of the mission. I've had to complete it and he's been on my back." He tells me with tears in his eyes. "Draco, I don't care what you have to do I'll never hate you." I tell him. The tears were falling down his cheeks now so I wiped them away and kissed him. "Don't worry. Everything will work out." I tell him. "I hope so." He says holding my hands. "Should I help you?" I ask him. "No. I don't want you to get hurt." He tells me. I nod. "Well good luck." I tell him. He kisses me and I walk out. I go to my room and see Hermione holding the letter. The one from Draco. And I see Ash come in. "Hermione..." I start. "HOW COULD YOU!?" She screams at me. Ash takes the letter and reads it. "Abby..." She whispers. "Guys please. I love him." I tell them. "You.. I thought you hated him." Ash says. Tears were falling down my cheeks. "You can't love the enemy." Hermione tells me. "HE'S NOT THE ENEMY!" I scream at her. "HE IS USING YOU ABBY!" She screams back. "GUYS!" Ash screams. "Look Abby. Hermione's right. Malfoy could be dangerous." She tells me. I walk towards Hermione. "You accepted him once. Can you do it again?" I ask her. "No." She tells me and walks out. I start crying. "Abby. If you love him. Be with him. I'm not judging you. But I really think you should be careful." Ash says holding me. "So you don't accept him?" I ask her. She shakes her head. I sit down on my bed. "Do me a favour." I whisper. "What?" She asks me sitting down next to me. "Don't tell Ron or Harry." I tell her. She nods and walks out. I flop down on my bed. I bawl out my eyes.

I looks at the time. 8:50. I had ten minutes to get ready, eat breakfast a small be out on the pitch. I put on my Quidditch stuff and tie my hair back. I wash my face and walk out. I walk to the Hall to see Hermione and Ash sitting with Ron and Harry. I go and sit with them. "Hey." I say. "Sup." Harry says. I eat my breakfast. "Out on the pitch in 5 ok?" Harry tells me and walks out with Ron and Ash. "Hermione..." I start. She just ignores me and walks away. I put down my fork and walk out. "You ok?" I hear someone say. I turn around and see Draco. I explain to him what happened. "Sorry." He says. I smile at him. We walk onto the pitch together. I see the Gryffindor Quidditch team. They don't look at me. They're too busy so I give Draco a quick kiss and run towards them. "Bang on time." Harry says. I see Hermione in the stands. "Alright you guys. Ready!?" Harry screams. "YES." We all roar. I see the Slytherin Quidditch team and Madame Hooch. We get out brooms and stand in our position. "Captains shake hands." Madame Hooch screams. They shake hands. Draco is in front of me. "Good luck babe." He smirks at me. "Thanks you're gonna need it." I tell him. Ash was standing next to me. She heard everything and smiled. I smile at him. He smiles at me. Madame Hooch blew her whistle. The game had started.

-Hope you guys liked this chapter. If you guys haven't already check out Sweet_N_Simple story. It's about... Well I'm not gonna tell you. Read it. It's epic!!-




-Cormac McLaggen

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