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I finished my breakfast and I put my plate in the sink. I heard a clatter in the living room. I ran to see my best guy friend Ryan. Let me describe Ryan to you. Ryan has brown hair. He has brown eyes. He is very good looking, and he has a pretty girlfriend called Ally. "RYAN!" I screamed. "ABBY!" He screamed back. I ran to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me. "How have you been?" Ryan asked. "Good. You?" I asked. He smirked at me. My family rushed into the room. Ryan wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "What happened to Draco?" Charlie asked. "Ryan's my friend." I said defiantly, sticking my tongue out at him. Bill and Charlie chuckled. Dad came into the room with Draco. "Draco!" I exclaimed. He smirked at me. I ran to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded. I let go of him. "Wanna be an amazing friend and introduce us Abby?" Ryan asked. I rolled my eyes at him. "Draco, this is my friend from Durmstrang, Ryan." I said. Draco nodded at him. "Ryan, this is my boyfriend Draco." I said. Ryan smirked and nodded at Draco.
"See you in three days Draco." I said. I crashed my lips onto his. My family had left my room and Ryan was getting my trunks. So we should have enough time. 😂😂 He wrapped his arms around my waist and I tangled my hand through his hair. He responded by trying to deepen the kiss. I didn't let
him. He pulled away from me. "Why?" He asked. "Cuz I'll miss you." I said. "Also, Mr Malfoy. How easy do you think I am!?" I asked. He chuckled. Ryan came bustling in with my trunks. "Jeez woman, it's only three days!!" He exclaimed. I laughed. Draco gave me a quick peck on the lips, a hug, a quick bye and left. Wonder why that was...

"Aww wasn't that romantic!" Ryan teased. "Oh shut up!" I said. "How are you and Ally?xoxoPop28xoxo -YellowRoses- (get the reference??) I asked. "In love." He sighed. I scoffed. He heard me and shoved me. I had already said bye to my family (the ones that I liked.) I went with Ryan to the fireplace. "DURMSTRANG, VIKTOR'S ROOM!" Ryan shouted. "Isn't Viktors rooms fireplace barricaded?" I asked quickly before he chucked the powder. As he did, I saw his eyes widen. When we landed, I hit him. "YOU ARE A BLOODY IDIOT!!" I shouted. -YellowRoses- that is what you always say to me 😂😂 "Ryan, Abby is zat you." A voice shouted. "Yeah." Ryan shouted back. The wood from the fireplace blasted off. I stepped out of the fireplace and brushed the soot off of my clothes and my beanie. I saw Viktor Krum. "VIKTOR!!" I shouted. "ABBY!!" He shouted back. I ran to him and hugged him. "You okay?" I asked him. "Yes. I av ad many visits from screaming ugly girls. Zat iz vhy my fireplace is blocked." He said. I laughed. Yes.. I am friends with THE Viktor Krum. THE BULGARIAN SEEKER! "It's really hot in here Viktor." Ryan said. "Take your coat off Sherlock." I said sarcastically. He has wearing black jeans, a white shirt and a red coat. "I'm glad your sense of style has gotten better Ryan." I said smirking. "I'm glad you stole Ally's beanie. It looks better on you than it did on her." He said. I raised my eyebrows at him. He took his coat off. I saw something on his left forearm. It was moving.. I walked over to him and looked at it. It was...

-CLIFFHANGER!! Even though most of you already know what it is. If you don't I suggest you watch all of the Harry Potter movies and read the books again. Sorry this chapter was late. Thank you -YellowRoses- for annoying me telling me to update for the past week. Jeez you don't give up do you!? Sorry this chapter is late. Oh by the way Bradley Simpson plays Ryan. 😍😍-




-Hermione Granger


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