I knew I couldn't trust you

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We flew into the air and looked around for the snitch. I saw Draco and smiled at him. He smiled back. "FIND IT YET!?" He screamed. "IF I DID, I WOULDN'T TELL YOU!" I screamed back. He rolled his eyes at me. From the corner of my eye I saw something gold flicker. I flew towards it as quick as I could. I didn't care if Draco was following me, I wanted to win for my team. I wrapped my hand around the snitch. My fingers began to tingle and I heard my team start cheering. I flew to the ground and jumped off the broom. "YAY ABBY!" Everyone screamed. I hugged each and every one of them. Harry pulled me to the side. He gave me a huge hug. "I knew you'd be an amazing seeker." He mumbles into my ear. "Thanks." I say smiling. I see Draco staring at us. I smile at him. He half heartedly smiles back at me. I see Parkinson walk up to him in a way that was 'attractive'. She kissed Draco full on. I turn away from them to see Harry looking at me, concerned. "You ok?" He asks, putting his arm around me. "Yeah, I'm good." I tell him. We walk back to the team. "You alright?" They ask me. "Yeah. Just knackered." I tell them. We all laugh. I see Ash and Hermione walk over to us. "Sorry." They both whisper in my ear. I hug them. "We saw Draco kiss her." They tell me. "I saw too." I tell them. They laugh. "You're ok with it?" Hermione asks me. "No, but I can't exactly talk to him right now." I tell them. "True." She says. When the pitch is empty, Draco comes up to me. "What do you want?" I ask him harshly. "Thanks for being so harsh. What's up?" He asks me leaning in closer. I push him away. "Abby what's going on?!" "Why don't YOU tell me Malfoy!? I saw you kissing Parkinson." I tell him. And just like that everything went black...


We had all left the pitch to go back to the common room and chill out. Abby had stayed back to clear her mind. But it had been ages since anyone saw her. I went up to the Owlery to see if she was there writing a letter to anyone. She wasn't there. It was all empty. I walked back downstairs to the common room. I saw some of Malfoy's friends. "OI ZABINI!" I shouted. He looked at me. "What?" He asked me looking disgusted. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. "Seen Malfoy?" I asked him. Maybe Abby was with Malfoy. "No. Haven't seen him since the match. Why?" He asked. "No reason." I said and ran off to the common room. "Any news about Abby?" I ask Harry. He shakes his head. "Well Zabini says he hasn't seen Malfoy since the match." I tell them. "Why do we care where Malfoy is?" Ron asked. "Erm... Well..." I start. "Because they could be arguing like always." Hermione finished. I smile at her. I was about to ask Harry a question but he fell to the floor. "HARRY!" We all shouted. I sat next to him. I shook him, to try and wake him up. He was holding his scar. "He's seeing something." I told them. Ron splashed some water on his face. "He's not unconscious you idiot!" I say. Harry gets up. "Abby's in trouble."


I get up. I look around. It's really dark and I can make out someone with blonde hair standing near me. "Draco. Where am I?" I croak. "Malfoy Manor." He says. "Who bought me here?" I croak. "Me. He's gonna kill you." Draco tells me. WHAT!? I try to get up. Draco holds me back. "No! I'm not letting you go!" He shouts. "Why are you doing this Malfoy!?" I scream. I try to et out of his grasp. "Did you ever think I'd love you!" He says. He twists me around so I'm facing him. "It was all a mission. It was to bring you here. He's always wanted to kill you. And I've made it happen." Draco says. "You're lying." I say with tears streaming down my face. "Why would I be!? You're a Weasley. You're not NEAR my level. When we broke up, I had NEVER felt more free in my entire life! And then I realised, to get you here, to get you to trust me, I HAD to get back with you. None of this at ANY time was my choice. I wasn't doing it by my own accord. Oh no. There are people controlling me, Abby, people forcing me to say this please please please believe that I would never do anything like this to you." He whispered the last part in my ear. "LIKE HELL MALFOY! WHY WOULD I EVER BELIEVE YOU AFTER EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER DONE TO ME!? I HATE YOUR GUTS MALFOY!" I scream at him with the tears spilling out of my eyes. "Abby please!" He says coming closer to me. I push him away. "LEAVE ME ALONE! I'D RATHER DIE THAN BELIEVE YOU JUST TELL HIM TO KILL ME NOW!!" I scream and move to the other side of the room. The Dark Lord comes in. I begin to shiver. "Oh poor girl. Draco what did you do to make her cry?" He says. He comes toward me. "What do you want!?" I ask him, wiping the tears away. "If I've made your life hell, everything is fine." He says. "Why the hell am I so important to you, what's special about me?" I ask him. "You're close to someone I have got to get rid of." He hisses. "Harry." I whisper. "You're not gonna stop me being friends with him!" I scream. "I can, if I end your life." He throttles me by the throat and put his wand on my neck. "OI IT'S ME YOU WANT SO LEAVE HER ALONE!" Someone screams. I look to see Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ash. Tears are falling down my cheeks. I try to move his hand from my throat but I can't. I can't breathe. Everything begins to go black. I fall on to the floor.

When I wake up I see many people surrounded. "Hey." Ash says. I smile. "Do you remember what happened?" "Not after I blacked out. The bits before that, vividly." I tell them. I look to my left to see Harry holding my hand, asleep. "He hasn't let go." Ron says looking angry. I laugh. "What happened with Malfoy." Hermione asks. "You told them?" I asked. They nod. "Sorry." They say. "Don't be." I tell them. We smile at each other. "End of the school year?" I ask them. "Yeah. Your parents are on your way." Hermione tells me. "WHY THE HELL DID NO ONE TELL ME SHES AWAKE!?" I hear Harry scream. "Harry! You're being WAY too loud." I tell him. He looks at me sheepishly. He realises he's holding my hand and lets go, blushing. We all laugh. "Stop laughing. It's not funny." He mumbled. We laughed even more. "QUIET!" Madame Pomfrey shouted. "Abby, dear, would you like to go down for the feast?" Madame Pomfrey asked. "If rather not, I'd rather spend the time with my friends, in the common room." I told her. She smiled. Harry and Ron put their arms around me and took me to the common room.

-IT'S THE END OF ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR! THAT MEANS... IT IS THE END OF THE BOOK!!!!!! I honestly hope you guys liked it. Thank you for joining me on this journey! Thank you for supporting me throughout these 2 stories. And for those of you who LOVE this story, don't worry there'll be another story. Comment, message me, write on my message board telling me what you want the next story to be called and what you want it to be about! Thanks! BYE!-




-Tom Marvolo Riddle

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