Telling the truth

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I stepped out of the fireplace. There was no body around, so I left my bag near the fireplace and walked outsid. I walked to the field. My feet were aching and my braid was coming out. I slipped my shoes off. I ran my hands through my hair. I began to think about my visit at Durmstrang. I began crying over what had just happened. "WHY RYAN!?" I screamed. "Abby?" I turned around. I saw Draco. I quickly wiped my tears. "What's wrong?" He asked and pulled me into a hug. "I- Nothing." I said. He looked at me. "There's something wrong. Please tell me." He said. I sighed and wiped the tears that had began to fall down my cheeks again. "When I was at Durmstrang... We played truth or dare. By 'we' I mean me, Ryan, Viktor, Liam and Connor. I got a dare, it was to kiss Ryan. I did. Draco, listen to me!" I said. He was walking away. I geabbed his arm. "There's nothing to listen to! You kissed him!!" He shouted. "Yes I kissed him, but it was for a dare. Please listen to me." I begged. He turned around, and listened. "So I kissed him, and he.. he started touching me. I pulled away from him and slapped him . I was thinking about you. So, the next day, I forgave him, and today morning, I went to say bye to him and Viktor. Ryan wasn't wearing a shirt. And we kissed again." I said. There was a long pause between us.

"God Abby. Will you figure out what you want? I thought you liked me for real this time. Not just for fun?" Draco said. "It's not for fun Draco. I really DO like you." I said, crying. "Oh yeah? SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING AROUND KISSING OTHER BOYS!!??" He shouted. "I DON'T KNOW. MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU KEEP SHUTTING ME OUT!! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I shouted. "You know I don't block you out. I tell you everything and I talk to you all the time." He said. "You left me without contact for weeks." I said. "Well, you're not the oerfect girlfriemd either!" He said. "WELL WHY DON'T YOU GET WITH SOMEONE WHO IS! I'M TIRED OF PEOPLE LOOKING DOWN ON ME BECAUSE I'M GOING OUT WITH A SLYTHERIN!" I shouted, and I instantly regretted my words when I saw the hurt on his face. "Well I guess you'll be much happier without me." He said. "Draco-" I started. "No. Talk to me when you've figured out what you want. Cuz you clearly have no idea." He said, and walked away. "ARGH!" I screamed. I cleaned up my face by using the water from the river near the field. I put on my heels and walked back to the house. I saw my mum in the kitchen. "Mum!" I shouted She quickly turned around and I ran to hug her. She wrapped her arms around me. "Oh sweetheart. How was it?" She asked. "Amazing. It was great seeing the guys again. I'm gonna miss them loads though." I said. She chuckled. "Love the outfit." She said. "Yeah, I'm gonns go change this is actually very uncomfortable, I wore it for the sake of it." I said. She laughed.

As I walked up the stairs, I saw Bill and Charlie. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hey there." They said. I hugged them. "Had fun?" They asked. "Best time of my life." I lied. They laughed. i continued to my room to go get my clothes and stuff. I saw Hermione. "Hey." I said. "Hi." She said. "Can I talk to you, after I change, and have a bath?" I asked. "Yeah, course." She smiled. I went to my rom, kicked off my shoes, got my comfy clothes and ran to the bathroom . I hopped into the bath. I stayed in there for half an hour, until my skin started getting wrinkly. I quickly hopped out. I dried myself. I put on my clothes. I was now wearing a unicorn top with white shorts. I went to my room. I saw Hermione in there. "Hey." I said. "What did you wanna talk to me about?" She asked. "First of all, I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything, and I've missed you loads." I said,. "I'm sorry too, and I've missed you more than anything." She said.We hugged. "Second of all, I kissed Ryan, twice..." "Lastly, Draco broke up with me becasue of that." I sais. She stared at me in shock. "Oh Abby." She sighed. She hugged me. Harry and Ron came into the room. I ran to them and hugged them. They wrapped their arms around me. "Sorry." We said at the same time. We smiled at each other. I left my hair out in whatever messy state it was. We walked down to dinner. AFTER I put on my blue vans.

-So that's another chapter done. Thanks for reading. Love you all.-




-Fred Weasley

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