Chapter 16

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She take it from him and changed in it. She saw herself mirror and chuckled. She came out and saw Siddharth also changed in his comfy clothes as always looking hot.He is arranging something cupboard and was looking annoyed. Avneet narrowed her brows and went near him...

Avu: What happened?

sid jumped in surprise and looking at her sighed. 

Sid: Oh actually I am finding something.

Avu: Tell me  if I can help sid : No it's fine. I will find later you come...

Avu: excuse me?

sid (widening eyes):  No no no don't get me wrong just let's talk and get to know each other, as we did not meet before (in mind : According to you but f know you very well I think I should tell when she will be comfortable around me)

Avu: uh oh.. well already know my name  and I don't have really special to tell.

Sid: ha ha ...I just asked about likes, dislikes nothing else . well I am telling you first. As you know I am a singer so my life revolves around singing and my family in which you also join from now. My mom is my god . Fans are my success and last but not the least my dada , bhabi and champ is reason to live.


Now you also

( She was carefully listening him but his last sentence caught her off gaurd)

Avu's pov..

I can't ughh.. how will I even  tell him now. He has already started accepting me but I...  what can I do. He is just so innocent and sweet. He did not even asked for his rights which he actually have being my husband legally rather  he is so friendly with me. And now  my thought about celebrities also broke he is not just sweet but also so down to earth. No arrogance, no ego nothing.

how can I break his heart. Just how??? Guilt is killing me in every possible way. But I have to tell him the truth. Now or never. If I don't tell this now he will be more heartbroken later. I can't give him any hopes with me may be after this he can move on and find a more suitable girl than me there is many beautiful and talented girls than me who wants to be with him..

Suddenly her thoughts broke when she heard her  name. She looked towards Sid who is looking worried...


Well hey guys I am temporarily back I guess.. i have my board exam in February. I will probably come back after that and will try to complete my all incomplete books. I swear...

Please forgive me for this long break..

And thanks for the support you have shown me when I was not active in Wattpad..

Well I have lost many followers because of this i think not gonna blame them though but it's hurt a Lil bit. I missed my friends here don't even know if they are still active. Well I will stop now or this long para will go on

Stay tuned for some more chapters which i am currently working on..

Thank you again...

Your author Sini...

Ahhh i missed this...

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