2- Brady

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Growing up I couldn't think of a better place to live than Montana.

Dad is the third generation on our family's ranch. With it being one of the largest ranches in Montana, my brother Greg and I were always on the ranch, helping as much as we possibly could... and we loved it. My sister, Kassidy, helped with the house and smaller animals with my mom, while we took care of the cattle and fixed things around the ranch.

As we got older, Kassi went off to college and Greg got married to his highschool sweetheart, Jenna, and moved into the basement of the ranch house with my parents.

I was still around to help and planned on running the ranch with Greg but until my Dad retired I was pursuing my other dream...Bull Riding.

I've been obsessed with it since I was three.

I remember watching it with my dad on TV all the time and when it came to Montana, I got to watch it live. It wasn't until I saw, Tuff Hedeman ride that I said to myself... 'that's going to be me one day'. Tuff's a legend, a four-time World Champion and ProRodeo Hall of Fame bull rider and someone I have idolized for as long as I can remember.

One time Dad took Greg and I to a rodeo in Bozeman Montana. Before it started, many retired riders were doing a meet and greet and he was there.

At first I couldn't speak. Tuff laughed, patted me on the back and told me what I had to do to become the best and I worked my ass off to become that man. Today I was trying for my first championship.

"Montgomery, you're up!" Phil said, patting me on the back.


I smiled as I saw my girl coming my way, swaying her hips with a smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she got to me.

"Good luck out there. Last ride of the year, make it a good one babe and the championship is ours." Tori said as she pulled me into her 'goodluck' kiss before I got on the bull.

"Hmm. I love when you do that."

She bit her lip, "Wait until you see what I do tonight... after you win."

"Damn woman."

She laughed, giving me one more kiss before she went over to her group of friends.

Heading over to the gate where I'd be getting on my bull. I saw my family sitting in the stands together, waving at me before I got on. Even my sister, Kassidy, was here.

My family has always been my biggest support group, even with our ranch and how busy that kept us, they found a way to make this possible for me.

I smiled and nodded before I got in my zone.

I looked down, breathing in and out slowly to try and shake away what nerves I had. I climbed the fence and slowly sat down on the bull.

Grabbing a hold of the reins I nodded, signaling I was ready. The gates opened, I let go of the gate and threw my one hand in the air as the bull started bucking.



Three. I counted in my head as the bull bucked and spun, trying to knock me off of him.


Eight... the last buck, I'm not sure what happened. Before I could jump off, my legs left the side of the bull and I flew up. My hand let go of the rein and a great force hit my back before my body collided with the ground.

I laid there for a moment before trying to get up but I couldn't move. I heard shouting and saw blurry visions moving out of the corner of my eyes.

I wasn't in pain though.

I should hurt like hell right now.

Why couldn't I get up... I thought to myself before everything went black.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes fluttered open. Where the fuck was I?

Mom smiled down at me. "Hey, sweethea-"

"Ohhhhhh thank God!" I heard Tori shriek, making me even wince. I watched as my mom rolled her eyes to the side, took a deep breath as she backed up slowly, keeping her calm composure that she always had.

"Are you okay? Can you move? Are you in pain-" Tori asked as she came over to me before the doctor interrupted.

"Okay. Okay. We all need to move and give Brady some space."

"I'm not leaving him again." Tori snapped.

Jenna, my sister-in-law came over. She was not a fan of Tori's and I could tell she had all she could take of her today. "Walk with me and let them talk to him."


"Nope. We can come back later." Jenna leaned down and kissed my forehead. "I love you, butthead."

I smiled because I couldn't talk. My mouth was dry and I noticed I still couldn't feel anything.

After they left the doctor turned towards me. "Brady, my name is Doctor Barrett. Do you know what happened?"

I tried talking but my throat was scratchy. I went to point at my throat in hopes to get some water but that's when I finally felt something wrapped around my neck.

What the fuck is happening?

I tried grabbing at it but the doctor held my hands down. "Brady, you were in an accident. That neck brace needs to stay on you so you don't hurt yourself even more."

I stopped struggling against him.

"Water." I struggled to say.

"Here honey." Mom came up and put the straw in my mouth. I took a few sips before she removed the straw again.

"What happened?" I asked, before taking another sip.

Mom gave me a sympathetic look. "The last second on the bull you lost control. He bucked you up high and while in the air... he kicked you in the back and you fell hard to the ground."

"You have a concussion-" Doctor Barrett started out saying but I interrupted him.

"Am I fucking paralyzed?"

"It's too early to determine long term right now. Like I was saying, you have a concussion. You have some swelling along your spine so it's hard to tell for sure how bad your spinal cord was damaged. I want the swelling to go down, which could take a few weeks, maybe a month and we will reevaluate the situation and go from there."

***Before I continue, I'm in no way a medical professional. I have done a lot of reading on spinal injuries and making this up as I go. Just like every disorder/injury, one person's symptoms may be different from the next but I'm trying to make this as believable as possible. If you notice something that's completely off, please bring it to my attention***

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