10- Meeting the neighbors

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Nora's P.O.V.

Once my head hit my pillow, I fell asleep and slept for two days. I got up to use the bathroom and made a little something to eat but then I went back to bed. I remember hearing someone knocking on the door but I ignored it. I drank way too much and to be honest, I really didn't care who it was.

It was day three of being here. I was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling, knowing I was right back to where I was when I kicked Ben out of my apartment and knew something needed to change, because this wasn't helping me.

I wanted to feel better because Ben wasn't worth this.

I got up and showered, ate lunch, put a baseball cap on and grabbed a beer out of the fridge before going outside.

I walked down and leaned up to the fence that used to hold my grandparents' horses and looked out to the mountains. The breeze hit my face and I shut my eyes, just enjoying this moment that I wished would last forever.

"I've wasted the past two days moping when I could be enjoying this." I shook my head at the thought.

I was done feeling sorry for myself too.

I opened my eyes and dumped the rest of my beer out and smiled at the barn, knowing that it was going to be a bitch to paint once I got to it. I needed to get the grass mowed and Grandma's landscaping cleaned up first before I tackled that barn though.

I started walking up to the house when I heard the sound of horses galloping in the distance. Looking behind me, I saw at least ten men riding towards me on their horses.

Tossing the empty beer bottle into the garbage can, I self-consciously adjusted my hat as I watched them get closer. I recognized some of them from the bar the other day, the other men were more around my parents' age and some older. All of them removed their hats and nodded my way before getting off their horses.

I smiled at the one walking towards me. I remembered meeting him when I came to visit my grandparents. "Mr. Montgomery."

His hat was still resting on his chest. "You remember me?" I reached out, shaking his hand.

"Of course I do. You're the one that snuck me candy before one of my Grandma's dinners."

He busted out laughing, "I forgot about that. Eleanor actually scolded me that night."

"Don't worry, they both always talked very highly of you and your wife, even after you gave me candy."

He smiled, "Your grandparents were wonderful people. I'm terribly sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."

Mr. Montgomery motioned to the others. I looked around again hoping I would see that one man from the bar that had a grumpy look on his face, but he wasn't here.

"Eleanor, these are my ranch hands." He went around introducing them to me before patting the last guy on the back, "and this is my oldest son, Greg."

I reached out to shake his hand, "Nice to meet you, Greg. You're married to Jenna, correct?"

"Yes, Ma'am. If I would have known it was you that day I would have introduced myself."

"That's alright."

"We came by yesterday but no one seemed to be home."

"Oh-" My thoughts were interrupted when a black truck came down the driveway and pulled up next to us.

"That would be my other son, Brady." Mr. Montgomery said.


My heart fluttered as the truck passenger side door opened. He was wearing a black shirt today that fit him perfectly and I noticed he had a tattoo on his arm that I hadn't noticed at the bar. My thoughts were interrupted when a pretty blonde got out from the driver seat.

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