25- I hope I can ride him someday

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Brady's P.O.V.

When my parents told me… Eleanor was going to be helping me during the day, I was a little annoyed because it sounded like I didn't even have a say in the matter.

Not like I had many choices, but I would have chosen Eleanor a thousand times over anyone else I've ever had.

The problem I was having, I was developing these feelings for her and everyday she came over, these feelings were getting stronger. Eleanor's very presence wound me up like no other and I wanted so badly to stand up so I could kiss those pink luscious looking lips of hers.

I groaned at the thought.

With her being with me all day for the next six days… I wasn't sure what it was going to bring exactly. I think she might sorta like me too but I keep going back to when summer is over, then what? She goes back to Wisconsin and only comes back every once in a while to take care of things on her ranch? How would that work?

"Is there anything you need before I leave, Sir?" Christian, my overnight nurse asked as he packed up his bag, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"No, I'm good. Thank you."

He nodded, "Okay. Well if you need anything, just give me a call. I can come earlier this week if you need me to."

"Thank you but it should go okay."

He nodded. "Have a good day."

After Christian left I looked around, suddenly nervous that Eleanor was about to be here. I've never been more anxious to see a woman before. I try to do everything to get her riled up because I love how she fights back with me with that smart mouth of hers.

Breathe for God sakes, man.

A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on my door.

"Come in."

Eleanor peaked her head inside. "Your favorite nurse has arrrrrived." She sang.

"Oh my God, I'm going to die." I teased.

Rolling her eyes, She came in and closed the door with her foot because she was holding a large bowl. "You're not going to die, Brady."

"How do you know, are you a doctor?"

"No, but I'm one hell of a nurse." She said seductively. "Now shut up and take your pills." And then she started giggling.

Fuck she was so sexy.


"Eleanor. Why don't you try and put the saddle on Spook."

She looked at me, confused.

"Just put it on him and Jake can hook it up the rest of the way. Spook might not even let you and that's okay, we'll just try a different day."

She nodded, happy with my answer. Eleanor grabbed the saddle from Jake and walked back over to Spook, talking sweetly as she pet him before she slowly started to set the saddle down on his back.

Spook had come along quite a bit in the last few weeks, all thanks to Eleanor. He was even starting to relax around the rest of us as well. She was good with Spook and seemed to have some beautiful connection with him.

Jake was able to walk up to Spook and strap the saddle on the rest of the way.

Eleanor came over and stood next to me. I looked up at her smiling proudly as Jake walked around the fenced in area with Spook.

Spook walked happily alongside Jake, stopping quickly at Eleanor making her laugh and then kept on going with Jake.

"I'm hoping to slowly bring Charlie back out here this week and see how Spook does with him. What do you think?"

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