14- I'll think about it

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Brady's P.O.V.

I don't know what's wrong with me, snapping at Eleanor like I did. In a way I was jealous... we've been trying so hard to train Spook and Eleanor walks up and he rests his head on hers like he wasn't afraid of anything.

Then I was mad and Melissa was in my way and I told her to go home, landing me in Dad's office for a lecture.

I heard the door close, "Do you even want to walk again?" Dad asked, trying to control his temper.

I closed my eyes, it was the question he's asked me many times. My back was still away from both my parents when I answered. "Of course I do."

"Then what part of needing a nurse to help achieve this, do you not understand?"

I turned towards my parents, "I lost my temper. I'm sorry, I'll call her later and apologize."

"You're damn right you will."

"I will."

Dad let out a breath, still clearly upset. "Why were you so mad anyway?"

"Spook. He's never even seen Eleanor and he was a completely different horse out there."

"I saw. She's kind natured and he senses that. Maybe you could be nice and ask her to help you train him."

"It's not like our men aren't."

"You're right. But clearly there's something about Eleanor that Spook likes. Just think about asking her."

Suddenly there was a loud scream.


Nora's P.O.V.

"Shhhhh, please! I'm begging you." I tried shushing the woman I had guessed to be Kassidy.

She removed my hands from her lips, holding them tight as she jumped up and down. "Nora is in my house... you're in my house." She paused for a moment. "Why are you here? Not that I'm complaining, but oh my God, this is so cool."

"I'll explain, just please-"

"Honey what in the world has gotten into you?" Carrie Ann asked, coming around the corner with Ed and Brady and from the kitchen area came Jake and a few others to see what the commotion was all about. "I see you met Eleanor. The Thornton's granddaughter."

"Eleanor?" She asked, confused.

Panic set in and I interrupted. "Yes, I didn't have time to introduce myself yet. I walked out of the bathroom and ran into her, we both scared each other half to death and then we started laughing."

I looked at Kassidy, begging her with my eyes not to out me. "Please?" I mouthed as I stuck out my hand to her. "It's nice to meet you, you must be Kassidy... I've heard so much about you."

Her wheels turned as she stared back at me. "I've heard a lot about you too? It's nice to finally meet you."

"Come on girls, supper is ready." Carrie Ann gave us a warm smile before they all left Kassidy and I alone again.

"Be right there." Kassidy pulled me down the hall, up the stairs, into a room and closed the door behind us.

"Thank you for not outing me." I said, looking around her bedroom, seeing she was a fan of mine. She had a few older posters on her walls and one of my CDs laying on her dresser.

"What. Is. Happening?" She asked with a still confused smile on her face.

"I really am Eleanor. Henry and Eleanor are my grandparents and I now own the ranch."

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