6- Road trip for one

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Nora's P.O.V.

After Selena released her statement to the press, Ben released his...

'I am absolutely devastated about the pain I have caused my family but I can't help that I've fallen madly in love with Nora and will do anything to make things right again.'

"Is he insane?" I asked, looking over at my parents.

"I would say, yes." Dad said jokingly, but I don't think he really was.

"People are saying I'm keeping him from his family. This is getting out of control."

A few more days have passed and the news hasn't died down. It didn't help that Layne fired back at Ben's comment saying, 'Nora can have him' as she walked into her home with whom I guessed to be Ben and Layne's son.

The truth was... I didn't want him either.

Mom was working today so Dad and I packed a cooler, hooked up the boat and headed to a lake a few towns over. I was holding the rope to the boat, while Dad parked his truck when I heard my name being called.

"Nora Rose? Oh my God, Daddy. It is her!"

A little girl stood there waving at me on one of the docks nearby, while fishing with her parents.

I smiled and waved back, making her squeal louder.

I laughed because the closer she got, the more excited she got.

"Fan of yours?" Dad asked, taking the rope out of my hand.

"I think so."

Her mother smiled at me, "We are so sorry to bother you, Nora. My daughter is a huge fan of yours. Would you mind taking a picture with her?"

"I would love to." I knelt down, "Hey sweetheart, what's your name?"


"You have a beautiful name, Paisley. How old are you?"


"Seven? Did you know that's my favorite number?"

"I did. And your favorite color is red. You love dogs and are scared of spiders."

"Wow. You really are a fan." Hopefully she doesn't know any of the latest gossip. I looked up to see both her parents smiling down at us and happy tears in Mom's eyes.

Paisley's Mom got her phone ready. I put my arm around Paisley's waist, both smiling for the camera.

"Oh that turned out so good. Thank you."

"I have all of your albums." Paisley admitted, shyly.

"You do? Do you have any of them here with you?"

Paisley's eyes lit up. "The newest one is in mommy's car."

"I can sign it for you if you'd like?"


Her Dad went to grab it out of their vehicle and handed it over to me. I signed it and gave it back to Paisley. "There you go."

After taking a few more pictures with all of them we said goodbye. Dad helped me into the boat and we headed to our lucky fishing spot.

"You know, that was the first smile I've seen on your face since you've gotten here." Dad said, handing me a Leinenkugel's beer.

"I know I've been quiet and I'm sorry. I've just been doing a lot of thinking." I twisted off the cap and took a sip.


"I know. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really. I just want to drink my Leinies and catch more fish than you."

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