Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room playing video games like always. I got bored of playing COD. If my old BFF Ben didnt drowned we would both be playing.

I got on my computer and started to hack people. Ive been working on hacking this one person yet, so many things. Its been a month of trying to hack it.

I sighed in frustration. If Ben was here he would have it done by now, I thought. I hacked cleverbot and several people already but i cant hack this one dude.

I growled and sat back. No one can hack me because of so many codes needed to put in, Over 5000.

I hacked my friends account of facebook and some guys account. It was so funny once he seen 'IM A PREETY PRINCE WHO IS GAY' as one of his posts!

I also hacked a Creepypasta thing and it was boring so i never hacked it again but i did make a new creepypasta. It was me but it was a girl version of BEN DROWNED. It was funny but it went viral!

Its still going on. On facebook i see pictures of girl BEN DROWNED, but her name was (Y/N) DROWNED. Like i said its a girl of me but a look alike.

My phone was going off becaues a anonymous number called. I awnsered,

"Hello?" i say.

"Hello is this (Y/n)?" a guy asked.


"Ah i finely found your number again."

"I will find out who the hell this is."

"(Y/n)? Thats so hurt full! Not remembering your old bff!"

"He drowned. Hes dead as a door nail."

"I am not!"

"Dude haha nice prank. Get over your self." i say.

"You'll remember me soon dear, (y/n)." it replied then hung up.

I laughed. "So childish." i say and hook my phone up to the computer. I started to hack. It got so complex on the 100th wall. No code i did worked. "It must be the last wall." i whispered .

i unplugged my phone and put it in my pocket. I looked out my window and seen snow falling. It was beautiful, cheerful, happy. "Only if Ben was alive." i say to my self.

I put on a outfit and jacket to go out side. I wore all green. I walked out side getting hit with a snowball. I turn and see a kid in all pink. I bend down and pick up snow making a snowball.

I look at the kid and throw the snowball at her and she smiles. "Hello in Sally! Im new! Care to play with me and my friends?" Sally asks. I nod and follow her to see 2 girls and 3 guys.

One chick had black hair, grey eyes and wore all black. The other girl had brown hair, brown eyes and wore grey jacket, white shirt and blue jeans. The first boy had black hair, blue eyes and wore a white jacket abd black dress pants. The second had Orange hair, grey eyes and wore a blue jacked and jeans. The last was a blond hair kid that wore all green.

"This is Jane, Clockwork, thats her nickname, Jeff, Jack and Ben." Sally said. The last persons name struck a nerve in me. "Who are you?" asks Jeff. "(Y/n)." i reply.

Sally threw a snow ball at Jeff an a war began. No one could get me. Ben got one lucky shot and hit me with a snowball. I got tired and sat down in the snow pulling out my phone and tried hacking again.

"FUCKER!!" I shout in frustration. "Whats wrong?" asked Ben as he sat next to me. "This fucking bitch has the 100th wall so hard to hack." i reply, not taking my eyes off the phone, "I bet you dont know how to hack."

Ben snached the phone from my hands and hacked some dudes phone giving me his number. I smiled, "Damn. Whos this?" i asked Ben. "Me so if you want to talk hit me up." Ben smiled. "You hacked your own phone." i giggled and he nodded.

"Text me later (Y/n), bye." Ben said and ran off with the other. I walked home smiling the sat down on my bed sad. "Hes like Ben... His name is Ben... He acts like Ben..." i say quitely.

I look out the window of my room as i sat on the bed. Snow came down gracefully as if it dancing with the wind. I smiled and looked at my phone.

"Maybe Ben could help me." i say to my self. I look back at my window. The snow lightened up the dark sky. It made me happy to know i made a new friend that can hack with me.

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