chapter 8

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"Benny!" i whine and push him. He fell asleep next to me last nigh and his head is on my chest and he wont budge. "What?" ben whines and finally! He moves and his buarys his head in the crook of my neck. "Get up and stop hugging me!" i state and try to move his arm off of my waste. Ben kisses my neck softly and mumbles "No... I wanna sleep."
"Then let me go!" i shout as i look up at the plain grass green ceiling. "I dont feel good, you here helps." Ben mumbles once more, "Ben you were drunk. Remember?" i ask. "Oh yea.and you dumped water on me!" he mumbles. I laugh, "Sorry Benny-Boo~" i cooed and smiled. Ben yawns and sighs, "Im not Benny." "Then get off of me Benny" i state. Ben sits up and rubs his eyes. "Stop." he whines and i jump up and off the bed and stick my toung out quickly. "Haha Benny!"i shout. Ben growls slightly and gets up and grabs my arm and pecks my lips then walks to the bathroom. "Fucker." i mumble and look down and sigh.
I walk down stairs and yawn What time is it? I think then remembered, slender man. I bolt upstairs and into bens room. "What the hell is the matter?" ben asks. "Slender Man." i say and look up at him with worried eyes. "Shit." ben says and hrabs my hand and walks over to the tv. He staps in and pulls me in as well and we end up in my room. "Hopefully, he wont try and find you." Ben states. "Hopefully." i hear and Jump to see Suzume in her outfit as yesterday.
"Do any of you ever change?" i ask, "I do but, its all the same." Suzume states, " Also Slender hasen't came back and i followed you guys here." "Staker." i say and she rolls her eyes. "Im a proxie, im supposed to stalk my victims." she flashes a smile revealing her sharp teeth. I run behimd Ben and look at her. "Im just kidding!" she laughs. "Shes a lier. She swore to me she wouldn't tell Slender or kill you. She practically swore to secrecy." Ben states and Suzume nods. Suzume looks around my room then spots my wii and smiles.
"CAN I PLAY?!" She shouts and i nod. She hurrys up and plugs it in and starts to play. "Wha- oh hell no." Ben says and sees her start to play Loz. "LOOK I MADE A ACCOUNT AND IT SAYS LINKY!" She laughs. "Whats so bad about her playing Loz?" i ask. "I look lile link and also if dark link comes out of the t.v. a war will begin." Ben growls. "Well boyh of you guys are perverted." Suzume says and i back away from Ben. "REALLY?!" ben shouts and i laugh. "Wait..." Suzume mumbles and actually pulls Dark Link put of te t.v. "You failed to scare me." She laughs and D.L is on the floor. Suzume steps back and sits on ny bed. D.L sits up and looks at her, "Its not like i seen anything." he says and my eues widen.
"PERV!" I shout and he looks over at me. "Shes mine." Ben says and grabs ny hand. "Like i care, im into her." D.L smirks and points to Suzume, she growls and smacks the back of his head. "IM NOT A TOY, YOU PERV!" She shouts. "Wow he is a pervert." i say and looks at Ben, "Try and be perverted towards me, your going to get your ass beat." i say and D.L laughs. "OH MY GOD!" i shout.
Ben covers his mouth and and Suzume stands up and smaks both of them. "My god, i regret dating Ben." i say and laugh. "HEY!" Ben shouts. What your being perverted." i state and sit on my ben and cross my legs. "Ugh!" D.L says and lays down on the ground. "What are we gonna do!" D.L shouts. "Its 3 am what should we do?" Suzume asks. "Ask questions?" D.L says. "Yeah, that sounds like fun!" i say and Ben nods. "Ok I'll go first." D.L says and looks over at Suzume.
"Who do you like?" D.L asks. "People." she says. "No names~" D.L cooed. "Fucker!" she shouts, "I like well... E.J." She mumbles softly. "Who?" D.L says and she shakes her head and i smile. "Suzume your turn." i say and nod. "Ok Ben, who do you like that a creepypasta?" she laughs. "Who do you think?" Ben asks. "Jane." she says plainly. "HELL NO!" Ben shouts and i laugh. "Let me guess any girl with a big chest?" Suzume snickers. "No." Ben says, "I dont like anyone except (Y/n)."
"Awww, so adorable! i dont like it." Suzume says.​ "What adorablness?" I ask. "Yes, its too sweet and when i get a feeling it make me sick." she states. "Thats butterflys." i say. "I DONT LIKE IT!" She shouts. "It happen if your around someone you like." i say and smile. "I dont like it!" she shouts once more and then 'BLAM' i run downstairs and see E.J had run in my house and locked the door. "Hey." i say and he turns around. "Did i wake you up?" he asks and i shake my head and sit down on the couch.
D.L, Suzume, and Ben come down staurs and Suzume holds her stomach. She whospers im my ear, "ITS happing, i dont like it." "E.J guess what?" i say. "Mhm?" he replys. "Suzume like you!" i shout and run behind Ben. Suzume's face becomes a red and she looks down lettings her hair fall in front of her face. "Really? I never noticed!" E.J said sarcastically. Suzume grabbed my arm and pulld me out side and yelled, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" She runs off and i can tell shes crying i Try and follow her but end up lost In the woods. "Shit." i mumble.
"Hey (y/n)" i hear and i look over to see Jeff. "Have you seen Suzume?" i ask. Jeff dhakes his head and i sigh. "Why?" he asks. "She got well hurt kinda and ran off." i say. "What do you mean 'Hurt'?" Jeff asks. "Kinda like rejected." i say. "Nonononononono!" Jeff shouts and looks worried. "Shes mentally unstable!" he shouts. "She can end up hurt or she does something completely stupid!" he shouts. "She has a power and she is the daughter of a powerful being, her parents were practically gods! Shes the daughter of medusa dumbass! Shes unstable!" Jeff shouts, like i knew this!
My eyes widen as i run off and to my surprise find Suzume near a lake and crying. "Hey-" i say but end up getting cut off, "-Leave me be mortal." Suzume says harshly. "Im sorry for what i did." i say but end up getting held by my neck up against a tree. "Sorry!" she laughs insanely. "ITS FUCKING CRAZY! HOW COME YOU TRY AND DEAL WITH ME?! IM MENTALITY UNSTABLE! IM THE FUCKING DAUGHTER OF MEDUSA!" She shouts. She lata me go as i gasp for air. "Im no normal proxie! Im a god (Y/n). You dont remember me? Do you?!" she growls and grabs a knife from her boot. "Your my friend Suzume! Your the only one you cared about me!" i shout and cry. "I never cared. A MONSTER can care!" she hisses and narrows her eyes at me, "Monsters CANT love, monsters cant FEEL!" "You love Jack, you always have. You care about me, you always will." i say and stand up. "N-" she starts to say but i hug her and say, "Your not a monster, monsters live under our beds and not in our heads. We are normal beings in life." i say. "The monster is me and it lives in my head." she says and crys, hugging me back. I pull back and smile. "You Suzume, a proxie." i say and she laughs. "See theres Suzume!" i shout and she smiles.
i hear footsteps and i turn around and see Ben, E.J, D.L and Jeff. Suzume hides behind me. "(Y/N)!" Ben shouts and runs over to me. "You ok?! Wheres Suzume?! Did she hurt you?!" Ben panicked and huged me i turned around to see Suzume gone. "No im fine, and i dont know but, she may be unstable but shes still Suzume, my friend dont forget!" i laugh and Ben looks at me shocked. "She didn't do anything?" he asks and i smile, "Nope nothing at all."

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