Chapter 4

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  I was stitting in my room with Ben, he was play video games again. I was on my computer hacking random people. I yawned and sat back in my chair. I looked over at Ben, she was so into the game that if i even spoke he would get mad. I giggled at the way he looked, he's so dorky. "What?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the screen. 

      I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Ben, shut up. Im not used to seeing you a killer." i say. "Whatever. Get used to it, you ain't losing me anytime soon." Ben replied. "Smartass." i comment. "Ouch so hurtful." he says sarcastically. I smile and giggle. Ben was different, he was still the same yet more into video games now. Ben paused the game and looked over at me. "What?" i ask. "Come here." he said. I shook my head, "No, im hacking." i say and return to hacking people. I heard Ben's feet shuffling across the floor, coming over to me.

      I rolled my eyes. Ben spun my chair to make me face him, he bent down to my eye level. He was about 1 inch away from my face, I started to blush. "Hehe... So (y/n)... Did you miss me~" he cooted. I blushed more, i tried to hide my blushing face but couldn't, Ben was so close. "(Y/n) you know its adorable when you blush~" Ben cooted again. Ben leaned in closer untill our lips met. I blushed so much, Ben pulled back and smiled. "Aww... Your so cute~" Ben cooted again. "S-Shut up..." i mumble looking down. Ben chuckled and tilted my face up with his hand. "If anyone asks you if your single... Tell them taken~" Ben cooted and kissed my forehead. Ben stood up straight and walked over to my window. "Ben, w-why do i say im taken?" i ask. Ben looks over at me ans smirks, "Your my girlfriend, you have to..." Ben states. I smile and giggle, "Whatever..." i say and turn to my computer screen. 

      I looked over at Ben, "Stop looking out the window." i say and stand up to stretch. "Why?" Ben asked. I walked over to him and looked out the window. The ground was covered with a patch of pure white snow. I grab Ben's arm and pull his arm. "What?" he asked and looked over at me, into my (e/c) orbs. "Snow." is all i could say. Ben rolled his eyes and changed into his human form. I ran down stairs and got my Jacket on along with my boots and gloves. Ben came down the steps lazily. He got his jacket, hat, boots, and gloves on. I smile and run outside to my backyard. I smile and get snow off the ground and make a snow ball. Ben was leaning up against my house. I threw the snowball at him and laughed. Ben smiled and grabbed snow off the ground. I ran behind a tree to hide before he could get up. I felt a war breath against the back of my neck and shit... "Nice hiding spot." Ben whispers in my ear. I turn around and Ben smiled "10 second head start... 1... 2..." Ben started to count and i ran. I grabbed snow and made a snowball. I hid beside my house. "8....9....10.... Ready or not..." Ben finishes. I peek around the corner and see Ben walking around. I smiled and giggled. I made my move and threw a snowball at Ben. "Yes!" i shout as it hit his back. Ben turned around and threw a snowball at me, i ducked it. He laughed and made another snowball. I took cover and made a a bunch of snowballs. Ben hit my back and i hit his shoulder.  

       After a little while of throwing snow i put my hands up and surrendered. Ben chuckled and yawned. "Call people to come join!" i shout. "Why?" he asks. "It will be fun!" i shout."Im a little kid and i demand you get people to play!" "Nah... Its better just you and me." he says. I lay down in the snow and smile. Ben looked down at me ans shook his head and smirked. I giggled and made a snow angel. I got up carefully to not destroy the angel. I smiled as i looked at it. I walked to the middle of my backyard and grabbed a bunch of snow off the ground and threw it up in the air. "Its a winter wonderland!" i shoud and twirl around. "If there was a mistletoe it would be better." Ben chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him tnen smiled. "Well its better spending time with me than nothing." i reply. "Also, how do you get a mistletoe outside?" "Buy one and hang it on a tree." Ben states. "Smartass." i say and smile.

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