chapter 12

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I see Jeff fly back and the Rake run in and try to slash me. I teleport and summon a Karnataka.

I swing and hit the Rake, he starts to bleed out as I look up and see Zalgo. I jump back as I almost got hit. Now this is fucked up.

I see Suzume run out and look at Zalgo and cast a spell that threw him back. "Shit.." Jeff grumbles as he stands up. "Fuck..." I mumble.

Zalgo and Rake disappear and Sally comes down stairs crying.

"What happened?" Suzume says and runs to her. "They took Ben!" Sally cries. "What all happened?" I asked.

"Me and Ben were playing and a minion of Zalgo came in and was about to take me untill Ben front of me and shocked him but more certain and took him!" Sally says fast.

"Well..." Suzume says unsure what to say. "We'll get him back." I smile and Sally nods and starts to calm down.

~Time skip because im a lazy motherfucker~

I was running in the woods training to get Ben back. "Hey (Y/n)." I hear a female voice say and I stop and turn around to see a girl.

The girl was 5'0, thin-ish, had long black hair and wore a Band t-shirt with ripped skinny jeans and conserves. "Hell?" I say.

"I'm Lisa, a proxie of Zalgo." She smiles.

"Give me Ben!" I shout.

"Chill my dear!"

"How can I chill when you have my friend?!"

"I came to get you, Zalgo wants to make a deal..."

"He has to talk to me here at the mansion!"

"He can't leave the realm deary."

"Well fuck him then."

"You want to save Ben right?"

"Yes..." I mumble.

"Come now!" she says and turns around.

~Lisa P.O.V~

This is stupid, some (h/c) haired chick is needed to kill Suzume?! I would expect Lord Zalgo to maybe trick Suzume not this stupid girl! It's pethick!

I turn around to walk towards a portal I created. I sigh as (Y/n) doesn't follow. I'll find a way to get her.


I growl and walk off towards the mansion and as I walk in I see Suzume and Jeff arguing.

"Ben is getting beat up!" Suzume shouts. "Well he can't die but-" "Yes he can! If Zalgo turns Ben human he'll kill him!" Suzume cuts Jeff off.

"He can die?" I say as my voice cracks. "Yea, all of us can. Zalgo is as.strong as slender and his brothers..." Suzume says and I smile. "I got an idea!" I smile.

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