Chapter 6

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I walked up stairs and looked around, Jane pulled me into her room. "Ok... Lets dress you up in green!" she smiled and ran over to her dresser and started to upll out a ton of clothes. "Im already wearing green!" i shout. "For the party! Ben is gonna blush! Im going to make you look adorable!" she says and pulls out My outfit. (Pick one! Your welcome, also its a light green! Trust me!) I smiled as i seen my outfit. I grabbed it and looked at it. "Go put it on!" Janr says and shoves me in the bathroom. I put it on and hear "GO BEN!" Jane shouts, "SHES BIT READY GOOOOOO!" i open the door and see Jane shoving ben out of the room. I step out and smile. "So beautiful!" she says and pulls out a camera and takes a picture. I hear music and screaming, "What the fuck?" i say. "Its the party, lets go!" she says and drags me down stairs where i see a ton of people, most girls were wearing dresses. I walk down the steps and through the crowd of people and over to the couch. I see Ben and hes talking to Jeff, as Jeff spots me he whistles. Ben turns towards me and smiles, "Shit..." he says. I laugh and sit down next to Ben. "I never knew jane was good at dressing up people..." Jeff muttered. "Oh shut you mouth joker." Jane growls, "I have a very good taste in fashion!" "Not like trender." Jeff snickers. "Who?" i ask, "Slenders brother, hes all about fashion!" Ben laughs. I laughs, "Oh no! Fashion!" Jeff says mockingly. "So what should we do?" i ask. "In a hour im going to start truth or dare." Jane says. I nod, "Rules?" Ben asks. "Cant chicken out." "Oh no!" Ben laughs. "Whatever." Jeff says. "Any thing can go and be asked?" i ask. "Yes." Jane says.


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