chapter 13

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(If Lisa or any name I have is.yours you may change it or keep it as if you met someone with the same name as you!)

Also... I'm copying and pasting from my story that I wrote a while ago.

Lost Boy by Ruth B Lyrics Featuring Peter Pan Scenes:
(My favorite song)

~??? P.O.V~

I stood and bowed to Zalgo. "Yes? What news do you bring me?" Zalgo says and I look up. "News worth a story, Lord Zalgo." I smirk. "Tell me then." he growls. "(Y/n) has a foster dad, the Puppeteer. She's dating Ben and I find it all funny." I snicker as I stand up. "Well then." Zalgo says and smiles, "We had a plan to capture Ben and torture him."

"I'm here, Lord Zalgo!" Lisa runs in and looks over at me in disgust. "I've brought back Ben like you asked." She smiles as if she did something very good. "Ok, Lisa. Leave the rest to Love. She can convince (Y/n) unlike you." Zalgo said coldly. "Sorry Lisa." I snicker. "Watch it Love." Lisa growls. "Or what?" I laugh. "I'll end you! You mortal!" Lisa shouts. "I may be mortal but so are you." I snicker and walk past her.

"I'll be pleased to bring (Y/n) back. Wish me luck." I waive off and walk out of the castle and down a brick streets.

I pull up my hood and walk with my head down. I see creepypastas and some of Zalgo's minions pass me as I walk to a dusty old well that leads to the human realm. I sit on the side of the well and swing my feet over and let them dangle down inside the well. I jump down as dust falls around me. I cover my mouth and bend down onto my hands and knees. I started to crawl to get to the place.
I need.


I walk around and call out. "LISA!" I shout. I walk over a branch and to a small pond. "LISA!" I call once more. "Lisa? Are you looking for someone?" I hear a soft and sweet voice say from behind me.

I turn on my heals and see a girl around my hight, maybe a inch or two shorter. She had long black hair with red end tips, about 4 inches off the ground and braided. She wore a red zip-up hood and black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, lastly she had Black boots on with red laces.

"Nice fashion trend." I say sarcastically. "Not too bad your self girly link." she smirks. "For your information its Zelda and so what is green and shorter!" I shout angrily as I cross my arms over my chest. I did wear a knee length dress that had long sleeves with a small triforce emblem in the front fight side. I also wore white leggings underneath with greed boots.

"Ight Zelda!" She throws her hands up as if surrendering then let's her arms drop lazily to her sides. "Who are you anyways?" I ponder as I tilt my head and let my one arm drop to my side and kept my other arm up just incase she trays to attack.

"Lollar (Lah-ler)." She smiles and bends down to bow with her arm across her stomach, like a butler. "I am at you service." Lollar stands up straight and smiles sweetly. I let my arm drop to my had a confused face, unsure what to say. "I can help you find this Lisa you speak of." Lollar says and puts out her hand. I didn't grab her.hand instead I shouted, "Just lead me to her!"

~Lollar P.O.V~

What a feisty girl, Lord Zalgo wasn't kidding when he said she's a bitch. I drop my hand to my side and shrug. "No please?" I say and cross my arms over my chest. (Y/n) put her arms on her hips and frowned at me. "Just lead dog." She growls. I raised an eyebrow. "I don't recall me having ears and a tale." I roll my eyes. "Please fucking lead me." She hissed. "This way." I say and sigh.

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