Chapter 7

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I sighed as i sat down, It was about 3 am. Ben was a little drunk, well more then a little... He started to sing in a high pitch voice. As Ben tryed to keep his stance as he sang. I covered Ben's mouth with my hand and pulled him over to the couch. "Hey~!" Ben slured, "I was... Uh..." "Ben your drunk." i say. "Nahhh.... Im fine!" he says almost falling off the couch. "Ben how old are you?" i ask. "Im immoral, but im 15?" he says. "Your 15? Uh... How long have you been a creepypasta?" i ask. "Long...." he says. I get up and walk over to Jane, "Watch Ben, dont give him any more drinks also!" i say and run off into the play room.
I didn't want to be around people anymore. I was getting a headache. I looked at the instruments, i seen a violin and grabbed it putting it up to my chin. When i was with clockwork, not to long ago she taught me how to play. I learned quick. I grabbed the other part to play and i put it together and started to play. I walked up on stage and yawned. "Ding dong, hurry up im waiting for you here, lets see if i can catch you. ding dong, im starving..." i started to sing. The door to the play room slamed open and i jumped and looked over to see E.J, "GET YOU FUCKING BOYFRIEND!" He shouted. I put the violin back and ran out and seen Ben goofing off, teasing everyone.
"Wheres his room?" i ask Jeff who was laughing at Ben. "It will say his name on it." he states. I grab Ben's arm and drag him upstairs to his room. I opened the door and threw him in the room and grabbed a cup of water that sat on his dresser and dumped it on him. Ben screamed and jumped out of his drunk faze. "WHAT THE FUCK (Y/N)?! " Ben screamed at me. "You were drunk and so i dumped your fear on you." i state plainly and walked out of the room and back down stairs.

"(Y/N)! LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Jane shouted at me, i get shouted at a lot. "Yea,ok." i agreed and looked at her. "Go change, its warm-ish out. I know its winter but, its Fall like weather out today Luckley." she stated and i nod. "Get me a outfit woman!" i spat and laughed. She sighed in annoyance. I walked up to her room as she handed me a Outfit. (WELCOME, 2 AGAIN!) i smiled and ran to the bathroom and threw it on then, walked out. I ran out of Jane's room and down stairs and out the back door. Jeff and Ben started a fire in the fire pit. I smiled and sat down near the fire. Ben sat down next to me and slid his arm around my slim waist. "Arent you cold?" Ben asks me and u shake my head. It was a little chilly but nothing i could handle. Ben ran inside and came back out with a green hood and put it around me. "Oh Benny, sense when are you a gentleman?" i giggle. Ben flicks the back of my head and sits back down next to me. "1. Im not Benny, 2. Never." She he states. (XD SORRY, NOT SORRY XD) I sigh and roll my eyes and lean my head on his shoulder. Jane was sitting out side and sat down near Jeff. Clockwork, E.J, L.J, (HATE CLOWNS >~<) and this girl ive never seen before sits down on other seats but the girl didnt. She had snow white hair and electric green eyes. She wore This Outfit.
"(Y/n), this is Scar, one of the proxies." L.J says. "Hey." she says in a soft voice. "Your a girl with a guys name?" i ask and Ben shoves me a little. "Indeed." she says. "Why?" i ask. "I was a baby when i went to the adoption center, i dont know my parents. I had no name so one of the childern there gave me the name scar due to the scar on my stomach. Ive had it since birth." she states. I nod and look down. "Im sorry." i say. "Dont worry! No one has ever asked a question like yours." she says cheerfully. "Hey, wheres Suzume?" Asks Jane. I looked at her puzzled untill i heard, "Boo!" get shouted in my ear, i jump up and turn to see a girl with a bright red hair fading into black tips, she had sharp teeth and fire red eyes. She wore this outfit. She was laughing her ass of at my reaction. "This is *laughs and takes a deep breath* TOO FUNNY!" she shouted. "This is Suzume Momo Mizuki."Ben said and i looked over at him and seen he was trying to hold back laughing. "How do i say it?" i ask. "Su-Zu-Me Mo-Mo Mee-Zu-Kee." she says slowly. I roll my eyes and look at her. "Is it Chinese?" i ask. "No Japanese, it means Sorrow, Peaches, Beautiful Moon." she states and smiles showing her sharp teeth. "Oh..." i say unsure of what to really say, i sit back down and look around and Suzume sits down next to me.
"Im going to start," says Suzume, "and no chickens! Asked, answer, dare, do it ya baby! Also (y/n) because your a mortal, you can get 3 chickens." i nod. "Ok, Jeff truth or dare?" she asks. "Dare." Jeff says plainly. "Kiss Jane!" she laughs. Jeff's eyes widen along with Jane's, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" They shout at the same time. Me, Ben and Suzume laugh, "ITS A DARE BITCH DO IT! BE HAPPY I DIDNT SAY BEN!" Suzume shouts and laughs. I laughed and i couldent breath ad Ben's face was a 'WTF' face. I looked up as i calmed my laughing to see Jeff and Jane kiss to i pulled out my phone and took a picture then quickly put my phone back in my pocket. "There..." Jeff grumbles. "Ben truth or dare?" he asks. "Dare." Ben states as if he dont give a fuck. "Kiss Scar." Jeff snickers. My eyes widen slightly, "FUCK NO!" ben shouts. Scar came behind Jeff and smacked him and grabbed his hood and threw him up aginst a tree. "You sick joker." she says then drops him. "Jeff-fa-fa, dont do that, Scar doesnt like Benny..." Suzume says and laughes slightly. Jeff laughed. "Ben insted of kissing me Kiss (Y/n), because i do not need to kill joker, sending him 6ft under..." Scar states. Ben smiles and nods, he turns my head towards his face and kisses me. I melt into the kiss and blush. Ben pulls back and smiles then looks at Suzume, "Truth or dare." he says. "Truth." she says plainly. "Go kiss E.J." Ben snickers. I see Suzume blush and growl slightly. She gets up, walks over to E.J, lifts up his mack slightly and kisses him then pulls back and sits back down next to me.
"(y/n), truth or dar." she says as she looks down at her boots. "Dare." i say. "Go and give me permission to punch Ben." she says and looks up at me with pleading eyes. I turn and look at Ben then back at Suzume. "I give you permission." i whisper in her ear. She smiles gets up and walks over, behind Ben and punches him in his back, sending him forward. everyone started to laugh, even me. "What the hell?!" Ben says and looks over to me as he sits on the ground now. "You deserved it, you made her kiss E.J. For all you know, she could have bever had a firts kiss untill now!" i shout and cross my arms over my chest. I feel a flick to my jead and i turn to see Suzume blushing brightly. I laugh and lay down across the seat. "I hate you all..." she mumbles. "Nah," i say and get up and stand to strech, "Ya love me like a sister." i say and she smiles slightly. "Your still a bitch." she laughs.


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