Chapter 2

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It was raining as I walked to school with my green umbrella. Thoughts passed through my head. If this and What that. All were memories that drowned.

Memories of Ben the one who died of him smiling, the old memories passed through my head and the one Ben i met just the other day passed of him smiling. Both Bens looked smilier with the hair and smile.

I bumped into someone, "Oh sorry." i say and look up. The guy turns around and it was Jeff. "Its ok (Y/n)." Jeff says. I nod and continue to walk to school and Jeff walked next to me.

"Jeff... Is it weird my old friend Ben and Ben i met yesterday look the same and act the same?" i ask and stop dead in my tracks looking at him. Jeff stops and looks at me, "No. Why?" Jeff asks. I shrug not knowing what to say. We both return to walking to school.

The memories of Ben passed, one of him smiling and saying "We will be together even if i die!" he says cheerfully. Jeff shook me snaping me out of my trance. "What?" i ask. "Are you ok?" Jeff ask. "Yea lost in thought." i reply.

i pulled out my phone and hacked The anonymous number. "What are you doing?" Jeff asked. "Hacking." i reply not taking my eyes of my phone. "Why?" asks Jeff once more.

I typed in Jeff is annoying 269498 63849 4879 283. It worked i got in! Files popped up From pictures, contacts to notes saved in the person's phone! I laughed an my awesome work.

I put my phone in my pocket and waited the whole day. I hurry up home so i can go and hack more.

Once i got he i hooked up my phone to the computer and uploaded the files to my computer. I went through all the photos first.

There was... Oh hell no... "What the fuck." i say as i go through the pictures. It was Creepypastas. Jeff had a knife in his curved in smile. I freaked once i seen Ben. In illusions and his real self.

I saved the data and but so many walls up so no one could hack it. I would never speak a word to anyone about this ever.

I went to school the next day. I deleated all the data i got. I thought it was all fake. I never thought anything of it.

i was in computer lab with Ben. Both of us talked a lot. "So when your hacking people remember to set a code when you hack. People can track you easily." Ben smiled. I nooded.

Ben was giving me tips. I zoned out think if my old friend Ben and the Ben i know now is the same person and faked a death. Ben shook me, "Are you ok?" He asked. I nooded, "Yea thinking thoughts." i reply smiling slightly.

"Jeff said something was wrong once but i didnt believe it." Ben chuckled.

"You look a lot like my old friend and act just like him as well." i say.




"mhm. You have a lot in common with me and him, you look like him and act like him as well."

"Ok then."

"Mhm. So smilier to him."

"Did he die?

"Yes, he got drowned and I saw him die."

"Uh Huh. Do you have a picture of him?"

"No i have one at home doe."

"Hehe doe." Ben chuckles.

"Yea yea yea." i giggle.

The bell rings and i make it through the day. I walk home thinking about the two Bens. So smilier, same favorite color, a lot in common, same looks.

Could Ben be my old friend Ben and he faked his death? I sighed and say. "Just all Drowned Memories."


A/N: I have no clue about hacking what so ever. Im making all hacking up!!!

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