chapter 10

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I woke up with a massive headache. I put my hand on my head and walked down stairs. I stood at the top of the stairs and snezzed. I was standing in the middle of the livingroom. "Well.... She can teleport." Suzume says. "Huh?" i question. "You power is teleportation. The others are unknown." She says. "Wow... Im in pain." i say and sit down next to Ben. "I would hope you be, you were shocked." Suzume states. "Smart ass " Ben answers for me.
"Benny~" i cooed. "Dont call me that." He growls. "Link." i snicker. "No." He growls. "Benjamin." I laugh. "Hell no." The linky boy said and still kept his eyes glued to the screen. "Fine, Cleverbot." I laugh and ben pauses the game and i bolt up and run behind Suzume. "NOPE!" I shout. "Aww, (Y/n) come here~" Ben cooed and had a perverted smile. "Perv." Suzume laughs. "I aint a perv." Ben growls. "Yea you are." I laugh. "Me a perv? Nah. If i was i would be asking girls for pics." Ben growls defensively. I shake my head and sit next to Ben. "Dont try-" i get cut off by Ben kissing me. "BENJAMIN WOODS!" Suzume shouts and pulls him away. "Aww..." both me and Ben whine. "Sally is up now stop." She growls and lets him go.
"so shes gonna kiss a guy one day." Ben says defensively. "She never ages." Suzume growls. "And who says she wont?" i snicker. I sneeze and i teleport. I open my eyes to see im on Ben's lap. Luckley i wasnt far. "Well that happened." Ben smirks. "Shut up." i growl. Ben puts both his arms around me and plays COD. "Oh my Zalgo, let ger go Ben!" Suzume growls. "You not my mother." Ben says. "I a powerful." Suzume snickers. "And i can teleport." i laugh. I hiccup and Sneeze... well how do i say it... I shape shift. I looked like Suzume. "COME ON!" I shout. "Ugh... Theres now two of her." Ben growls. "Think of your self." Suzume says and i do, i became me again!
"Wha-*hiccup* Did i-" i get cut off, "No your you." Ben says. "Ok but what elce could i do?" i ask. "Think of becoming invisible." Suzume say and i do. "Sweet." i say and go infront of Ben. I smirk and grab his hat. I put it on and it becomes invisible. "Fuck!" Ben growls. "Move your arm i want to sit on your lap." i say and he does, i sit on his lap and mecome visible. Ben grabs his hat and i kiss his cheek. "You lucky you hot." Ben mumbles. "Well-" "Dont think about it." Ben growls. "Fine." i pout. I smirk and teleport infront of him and i shape shift into him. "God..." i mumble and and turn back to me. "Dont do that." Ben growls. "Dude, your short." I laugh. "IM TALLER THAN YOU!" Ben shouts. "And?" i ask. "My zalgo!" Ben shouts and lays back and growls i ealkin infront of him as he looked up at the white ceiling. "Ben-" "Shut up." He growled. He got up and walked outside. I felt reallg sorry. "I fucked up." i said as i felt mey eyes become watery. "No i bet hell forgive you!" Suzume says and rubbed my back. I hope he will.

~Time skip by Suzume and Jack~

Its been three hours so i teleported to the house Ben was at. I tracked him... Im still a hacker. I heard a mone and i peeked through a door then hurried and back away next to the door frame with my hand over my mouth. Warm tears started to stream down my face. I let out a muffled cry and "Huh?" I heard the girl Ben was with say.
I run down stairs and out side and i run. I think and teleport home i shape shift into Suzume. Ben came through the TV with only his pamts on. "Suzume have you seen (Y/n)?" he asked. "No why?" i ask. "Nevermind." he said and ran upstairs. Suzume walked in and she held a Pepsi. "Uh...?" he said. "I-I *sniff* Can I l-leave?" i ask and turn back to me. I had puffy red eyes and Suzume nodded and sighed. "Go to a hotel and leave your phone." Suzume says and i hand her my phone. I teleport behind a hotel and ran into the inn and checked in. "Room 345 on the 3ed floor." The clerk said and handed me the card. I ran upstairs and into the room so i could cry.
Suzume appeared in my room and sighed. "What happened?" she asked and sat down. "I want t-to kill *sniff* Ben and l-leave." i stuttered. "What did he-" "Cheated... HES A FUCKING DICK!" I cry. Suzume rubbed my back as i layed on my belly and burried my face in my pillow. I shape shift into Jane and Ben comes from the TV. "Jane have you seen (Y/n)?" he asked. "Last i seen she walked out the door." I say and ben nodded. "Where could she be?" he asks. "A lake." Suzume says, "She told me a lake not too long ago, she said she wanted to walk on the beach." "Thanks." Ben said and went back througb the TV. "B-Ben..." i cry.
I went killing because i had so much pain and hurt to give. I stabbed a guy and said "Its ok, it was fun." i laugh. "Why?" he coughs out blood. "I can be in pain, why can you?" i ask. "Because, as much you inflict im still happy." she smiles. I pull my knife from his stomach. "Dafqu?" i say. He sits up as he bleeds and smiles to me, "Im Jem." he says and i sigh. "Smile as if you happy, deep down you scared and sad." i say and stare at him. "I rather smile for others pleasure..." He coughs. I sigh and heal him. Yes, knew i could heal. "Dont say a word. You lucky your alive. Your family is dead." i state. "I care why?" he laughs. I stare at him. "Who are you really?" i ask. "Bloody." he smiles. "A killer?" "Indeed." "Uh..." "Son of Slender." he answers. "Oh... Explans a lot." i say. My phone rings and i answer. "Hell?" i say. Yes hell because its better and funny. "(Y/n)? Where are you?" it was Ben. My eyes widen and i hang up and throw the phone across the room. I brake my pphone and i shout. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I started to cry. Bloody hugged me and i cried. "Shhhh..." he hughed me. I pull back and cry, "Do you know Ben?" i ask and wipe my tears. "Yes, link you mean." he snickers. I nod and sigh. "What did he do?"he asks. "Cheat." i mumble. "Well imma go." i say and teleport.
"(Y/n)!" Ben shouted as he seen me. "Save it." i growl and walj into the kitchen where i seen Jinxx and Silence along with Suzume. "(Y/n-" "Go Ben." Silence said and pulled me behind her. "Shes my girl!" Ben growled. I laugjed and stared at him, "Benny.... Benny...Benny... Go fuck your self." i growl. "W-What did i do?!" he shouts. "Go back to you bitch because i aint no side whore." i growl. A girl walks besides ben and smiles. "Whos she?" she cooed. "Oh Zalgo!" i say. "Go." Ben says to her. "Ba-" "Ben watch who your dealing with." i snicker and teleport. I look around the woods and smile. "Well... Im here..." i mumble. "Im sorry i left you." i hear and i look up to see my dad. "Its ok papa." i smile. "My you've grown." he says. I nodd "i know-"


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