chapter 5

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It has been 5 days sense i found out Ben was my old friend/Killer. I didnt know too much about him anymore. He was a link-look-a-like. He mostly played video games when he came over. We always went against each other a lot. I twas funny when i won and he says i cheated.
I was walking to school. It was a normal day. I seen Jeff and Ben walking ahead of me. I smiled to my self. I walked faster so i could catch up, when i did i jumpend on Ben's back. Ben caught me and dropped his stuff in the process. "Oops." i say and giggle. "Thanks." Ben says and rolls his eyes. "Well Ben, its what you get for having (y/n) as a girlfriend." Jeff teases. "Yea and its a price to pay." Ben jokes. "Im right here!" i growl, "Im not invisible ya know!" Ben and Jeff laughs.
"Pick up my stuff would ya? Thanks." Ben says to Jeff and walks away before he could protest. Jeff did indeed pick up Ben's stuff. Jeff walked next to us. "Maybe you should come over today." Jeff suggests. "No, theres reasons why i dont let her some over." Ben says. "Why?" i ask. "Slender Man...." Ben says. Jeff shrugs, "Well if we could convince masky, toby and hoodie to say shes their friend also she could." Jeff says, "Also, Slender sometimes lets us have mortals over, no offence (Y/n)." "Jeffy watch it." i growl, "Im human, not a mortal shit." "Aren't they the same? Well any who, if at least the proxies know her and so do we she can come." Jeff says. "Why the proxies?" i ask, "Is it because they are the servants of Slemder?" Jeff laughed, "Not really, if Slender thinks the proxies know you he wont be so.... Cruel-ish to you." I nod, "But... What about sally?" i ask. "Bed." was all Jeff replied. "Benny~" i cooted. "Dont call me that." Ben said. "Do you want me to go?" i ask, "Not really... We drink a lot." ben chuckles. "Sooooo...." i say. "Your going to drink?" ben asks. I smile and say, "HELL YA!" "Shit Ben watch out for (y/n) if she gets drunk." ben chuckles. "Oh my..." ben says and shakes his head.
You went on with your day and once it was after school you walked home lime normal. "Boo~" Ben whispers in your ear. You jump and turn around to see ben and Jeff laughting. "BITCH!" you shout and turn back around. "Wrong way." ben says and pulls you towards the direction of the park. "Uhhhh..." you say, "Why?" "The party." Ben says. You follow Ben to a Mansion in the woods. Ben changes forms and Jeff did as well. (JEFF THE KILLER BISHHHHH XD ) You all walk in and see a ton of people. Sally seen you and ran over to you, "(y/n)!!" she shouted and hugged your leg. You smiled as she let go, you bent down to her eye sight, "Miss me i see?" you say questionably. She nods snd hugs you and you hug her back. "Wanna play?" she asks, you shake your head, "Not now, later ok?" you say and she nods and runs off. "Your good with childern..." Jeff says. "I have a brother and sister." You say. "Slender wont be home till 7 am so we have a while and who this?" asks a girl. "Jane meet (y/n)." ben says and stands behind you. Jane nods and smiles, "Lets get ready!" she shouts and pulls you up stairs.

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