Waking up

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*knock knock knock* I groan hearing someone at the door and curl more into my shitty pillow "I'm coming" I hear my dad grumble i sigh knowing it's probably Tess and we'll have to leave soon I push the blankets off me and grab my green flannel and black scarf it was my moms her and dad met one night had a one nightstand and then after she had me she left only leaving me this scarf I didn't care for her much honestly but the scarf gave me comfort next I braid my hair then put on jeans and finally my vans and walk out my room

I see dad helping Tess with some cuts on her face "what matters is Robert fucking sent them " I groan hearing the assholes name the adults both look at me as I look in the cupboards for a snack "that guy is an asshole" I utter grabbing a protein bar and taking a bit Tess smiles at me and looks to dad "hmm he sure is" she looks to dad "he knows we're after him he figured he could get to us first" dad growled and threw the cloth he was using to clean Tess's cuts "son of a bitch is smart" the brunette shakes her head "no he's not smart enough I know where he's hiding" I raise a brow at the women while dad scoffs "like hell you do" Tess shrugs and walks over to me and breaks a piece off my snack "old warehouse in Area 5 can't say for how long though"

"Well I'm ready now Yeah" Tess nods and looks at me "what about you" i smirk and nod following the adults out the door we make our out of the building and into the alleyway" checkpoint is still open" i voice looking at my watch dad turns to me then Tess "we only have a few hours left until curfew" "we better hurry up then" Tess spoke Tess leads us forward the QZ has always felt so empty lifeless even everyone just stumbles along trying to make due with what they have

We walk past soldiers arresting people could be they're either fireflies or they're being checked for infection I watch dad go and talk to some people as I stand next to Tess noting the cuts in her face "you trying to match me or something" Tess looks to me and chuckled "no no I'll leave the badass scarring to you Ash" I hummed as she started walking towards the soldier who checks our passports I hand mine over dad does his and Tess's soon after "what's your Business here" "got the day off visiting a friend " dad spoke calmly the soldier looks us over and nods "alright go in through" I go to say thanks but a truck suddenly explodes "go get out of here!" The man shouts shooting his rifle

"Shit man" I whisper dad and Tess start running to a building we sometimes use to sneak out if I shut the door once we're all in "well do much for the simple way then" I voice Tess nods "here patch yourself up" she said to my dad i furrow my brow in concern but dad doesn't even spare me a glance I sigh and follow Tess down the hall "looks like we're gonna have to go around the wall" Tess said my eyes light up "we're going outside" Tess nods with a small smile Tess has always been more easy going then dad well dad doesn't even talk to me enough for me to actually know for sure but I know he loves me he's just scared he'll lose me like he did my older sister Sarah he still wears the watch she have him

I block out what Tess and dad are talking about and start to move the self hiding the entrance to the east tunnel "hey pops give me a hand" I say the man helps me once the entrance is open I jump down gagging at the smell "fuck we should get some of those scented candles down here" I mumble I don't get any sort of answer as Tess turns on the lights we enter the room where all our equipment is I swing my backpack on and cock my pistol "not a lot of ammo " dad said I shrug as I strap on my knife on my leg "make them count then old man" I mock grabbing my gas mask and putting it in my bag as well as a first aid kit I strap my bow to the side of my backpack and stick what little arrows I have left in as well

"Alright Texas boost me and Houston up" I smile at the nicknames as dad boosts Tess up next is me I jump into dads interlocked hands and he pushes me up Tess grabs my hand and helps me up "alright come on" Tess ushers we both grunt trying to help dad up

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