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The capital building is still far away we'll have to go through the buildings every step in the building is nerve wracking and the dead soldiers don't really help it gets worse when we find a dead clicker "ugh no fuck these guys" I whine "why is it like that" Ellie asks "it's what years of infection will do to you" "so are they blind" "sort of they see using sound kind of like bats" she nods "cool but also horrible"

Tess and dad push a door open but the man is quickly tackled by a clicker "DAD " I yell I rush forward and kick it off him and shoot it three times in the head dad stand and looks himself over "are you okay " he nods "I'm okay let's keep moving" i sigh as he walks away "your welcome" I mumble

Dad and Tess scout ahead Tess first helps Ellie up then me "okay you ready Ash" I jump up and grab her arm pulling myself up "c'mon big guy gimme your hand "

Then I hear it the clicking "get down get down"I whisper we hide behind a desk and watch as it stumbles around the clicking sound haunts my nightmares a lot I see a glass bottle not far from me I pick it up and throw it far it lures the clicker away far enough for us to sneak by

"Girls you okay" I shrug and give a thumbs up "other then shitting my pants I'm fine" I chuckled and jumped down after dad to help him

We climb on those window cleaner raft thingys I don't know what they are "oh fuck me shit shit" I whisper "your okay Ash just don't look down" Tess said dad goes ahead to deal with the infected Tess places a comforting hand on my shoulder when we hear a few gun shots "alright come on down"

We climb down and end up in an old subway dad finds a Molotov and takes note on how to make one but that's when we run into more infected "shit I'm almost out okay Joel take point Ellie you stay close to either him or Ash you got it" she nods "yep totally got it"

My heartbeats so loudly I wouldn't be surprised if the clickers could hear it dad leads us silently through the area he deals with any of they get close dad and Tess get a ladder and we climb out "fuck man I hate those things" I mumble

Dad pushes a dumpster close to a truck and we climb over and open a door quickly infected start running at us one grabbing dads leg but it's get cut off i scrunch my nose in disgust "gross" me and Ellie both mumble

Tess asks Ellie how she got bit she apparently she was in the mall which is completely off limits I decided to ask her more about it later

Me and Ellie explore the museum we're in but dad ruins it telling us to move then we get separated "dad dad you okay" he nods "I'm okay I'll make my way around " then we hear clickers "shit come on" Tess whispers

We quickly get over run I use my pistol to shoot as many as I can but I don't have much ammo I swing my bow out from my bag and cock an arrow and shoot two in the head by Tess then I hear Ellie grunting I quickly pull out my knife and run to the runner attacking her and tackle it to the ground and stab it in the head "fuck thank you" I nod and aim my bow at more coming "don't thank me yet Tess dad help!"

I sigh when all the infected are dealt with and pull out some arrows that I can reuse I turn to Tess and see her panting "Tess you okay" I ask she nods "yeah yeah I'm okay kid thanks " she ruffled my hair and goes to talk to dad I look to Ellie "how about you any limbs missing" she shakes her head "no no I'm okay" I nod "hey your pretty good with that bow" I shrug "thanks maybe i could show you a few things before we get to the capital building" her smile made my stomach flutter

"Alright watch your step when you walk cause it's gonna be a little-pffft" Ellie walks over the plank with ease me following behind her the girl looks out to the building "well is it everything you hoped for" I asked she shrugs "jury's still out but man look at that view" i hum "I wish I could take a picture of it or draw it maybe" she looked at me "can you draw" I shake my head "no I wish I could though" "maybe if you show me your bow I'll show you how to draw" I smirked "maybe"

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