Bill's world

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We walk through the woods to get to the town where Bill is god I hate that fucker he always yells at me not to touch his stuff Ellie looks around in amazement saying she never walked in the woods before dad goes ahead "hey about Tess" I shrug "it's okay she knew what she was getting into" "right right but was she your mom" I jerk my head to her "what no of course not her and dad ewww " the girl blushed "sorry it's just seemed like you guys were like I don't know mother and daughter " "I mean I saw her as a mother figure but she wasn't actually my mom she ran from us after I was born"

We managed to make our way into town avoiding infected when possible we come up to a gate that's jammed and even with dads boost I'm to short to reach it "hey boost me up" "no no that's not a good idea" I groan "dad we all know I'm to short just let her do it Bill annoys the shit out of me and I don't want to be here long" dad begrudgingly let's Ellie do it she does it easily "good job" "thank you"

"Haha look gnomes I had an art book filled with them I always thought they were super cute" I turn to her "wait you have an art book with like actual good sketches" "uh yeah" she said giving me a small smirk which makes me blush "uh can I um see " Ellie opens her mouth to speak but dad interrupts "come on you two" I pout "asshole" I mumble making Ellie laugh

We go around grabbing supplies for awhile I find some more arrows and an extra bow for dad we also walk into a music store "this is so sad" "whys that" dad asks "all this music just sitting around and no one is ever gonna listen to it I don't know seems wrong" I lean next to her as she looks over some old country music "you know most of this music is easy to play" I say Ellie frowns "yeah but I don't know how to play anything " I hummed "tell ya what I'll teach ya guitar you teach me sketching" "really you know how to play " I nod "yeah grumpy pants over there does and I picked it up" I say gesturing to dad she laughs and nods "do I still get bow lessons " I raise a brow "you get one or the other firefly" I mock walking away

After walking towards an alleyway a clicker walks right into a trap the boom makes me jump out of my skin "whoa Nelly what the hell was that" I scoff "Mr assholes traps" "young lady didn't we have a talk about you insulting Bill" dad mumbled I roll my eyes "you just have no sense of humour" I whisper

We climb a few roof tops set off a few traps to get past dad leads us to a building "Ellie Ash stay cl-whoa" the man is lifted up by a trap by his foot inrush over and steady him I snort a little "I can't believe you just walked into one of Bills traps" "Ash this really isn't the time" I shrug and look around for what's holding him up "Ellie the fridge is the counterweight can you cut that rope" "on it" then we hear infected starting to break the fence "shit " I whisper and cock an arrow "if you could cover us a bit pops that would be great" I shout

"Ellie any time now" I yell pushing an infected off me "hold on I got it" she shouts but the fridge falls and dad goes up higher "well at least you won't get your face eaten" I say standing on the fridge and shooting another arrow as dad shoots finally dad falls but just as he gets up he's tackled to the ground by a runner but Bill shows up slamming a machete into its head "get off your ass and on your feet"

We cut through a building then finally get to Bills small base the men lock the door behind us I slump down to the ground panting "hey you okay" I nod "that knife is shit El" she chuckles "we can't all have badass hunting knifes " I laugh and take her arm she offered to me and stand that's when Bill walks up to us "uh thanks for the heroics and all uh I'm Ellie" Bill then grabs her hand and handcuffs her to a poll "hey what the fuck" I shout punching his face he groans and aims his gun at me "get on your knees" i scoff but he knocks me down "Bill hey don't touch them" dad shouts but he knocks him down too and checks us over that's when Ellie pulls the poll off the wall and hits him a couple times

"Who that fuck is this punk and why'd you bring your little asshole" "I am none of your goddamn business and we're here because you owe Joel some favours and you can start by taking these off" Ellie said I take her wrist in my hand and look at the cuffs I reach in my hair for the little pin I keep and start picking at the lock ignoring dad and Bill bickering "yeah sure Joel take my car why don't you take all my food while your at it" Ellie scoffs "by the looks of it you could lose some of that food" I giggled but Bill turns to us "you listen to me you little shit" "No fuck you you hand cuffed me" Joel pushes Ellie further from Bill "I need you both to shut up alright" i scoff "whatever dad she's not wrong" I uttered getting a hard glare from the man as I finally got the cuffs off Ellie rubbed her wrist "you okay" she nods "yeah I'm fine" I lightly roll up a little of her sleeve seeing a red ring already forming I pull out some cream I had found awhile ago and softly rub it I know Ellie is starring at me but my eyes don't leave her wrist "there good as new"

Bill said we have to go get some gear we start following him "whole goddamn town is booby trap Best stay right on my ass" I smirk "you can't miss it" "will you both stop that" dad scolds grabbing the nape of my neck and leading me out of the building Ellie softly laughing behind us

We get to Bills armoury "well here we are you don't touch anything especially you I know you took something from me last time " i scoff as I close the door Ellie goes to grab a gun but dad stops her "Joel I can handle myself " "no" I roll my eyes "so she just isn't gonna have any protection then" I mock dad give me a hard glare while Ellie groans "fine I'll just wait around for you two to get me killed"

"Here" I say giving her my Molotov "wait really" I nod "just don't tell the old man" she chuckled and started look through some of Bills books I do too and see some cool comic book I quickly stash them in my jacket seeing Ellie do the same "HEY what did I say when we walked down the steps what did I say " "we're just fixing you stupid pile" Ellie grumbled "DONT TOUCH" we both flip him off

I take some of Bills ammo and even some nail bombs along with some arrows and find a sharping stone for Ellie's knife I'll give it to her after we leave the church dad looks to me and hands me his shotgun he hates this type of gun I smirk and pump it and move on past Bill who's glaring at me

We sneak past some infected and I get to show up Bill guy can barely aim the gun right we get to a house that I have to crawl through a doggy door for the others to get in and take out some clickers

Then we make it to the school where the truck has the battery we go in silently dad leading the way dad boosts me and Ellie up first then I drop down the ladder then the screams of the infected start getting closer we climb in through a window I shoot one that was jumping at Ellie Bill scrambled to the hood of the truck but it's empty "guys we gotta fucking go" I yelled

We shoot our way through the school and end up in the gym then a bloater smashes in "what the fuck is that" Ellie screams "that is a goddamn nightmare " I shout aiming my shot gun at it me and dad both shooting at it while Bill and Ellie try and find a way out

The bloater falls and we escaped just barley and hide inside a house "so that worked out well" dad glared at the auburn haired girl I grab her hand "we'll check this side of the house " I pull her away from the men and we start looking around for supplies we get to the garage and find a truck Ellie gets in and turns the key the truck rumbles I beam "dad hey look" we find out that Bills partner Frank took it but he didn't make it out alive me and Ellie offer to be in the truck while Bill and dad push the back to get the truck moving it works and we start the drive

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