Salt lake city

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"Girls hey I'm talking to you " my head snaps up and I force a smile "sorry pops we're coming" I shout I turn to Ellie and reach for her hand "come on Els we're almost there" I whisper she takes a shaky breath and nods "yeah okay"

We walk through a abandoned quarantine zone and cut through a building me and Ellie both seem to be in our heads to much lately me and her get boosted up to grab the ladder for dad but suddenly we see them giraffes I beam and grab Ellie's hand and we rush outside to the top of the building "dad look at this" I call dad smiles and walks right up and let's it me and Ellie let it as well "so fucking cool" Ellie whispers me and Ellie go higher up and watch a whole herd of them walking by "their beautiful " i whisper Ellie smiled as dad walks up "so is it everything you hoped for " " it's got it's ups and downs but you can't deny that view though" i sigh and lean my head on the other girls shoulder as we watch the giraffes

"We don't have to do this " Ellie raises a brow "what's the other option" "go back to Tommy's just be done with this whole damn thing" "after all we've been through" Ellie asks I sigh "but you do know you have a choice right Els" I ask she sighs "after everything I've done it it can't all be for nothing " I sigh and look to dad "it's her choice " I whisper and follow behind her

We all walk silently toward the hospital we sometimes talk about anything and everything Ellie even gives dad a picture of him and Sarah she took and he actually takes it I look at Sarah and smile "we all have the same eyes" I whisper dad smiles and ruffled my hair I laugh and hug his side then go and catch up with Ellie

We go through a subway and tunnels that are flooded we carefully jump from truck to truck while day tries to find a way for Ellie he finds a ladder and we climb it and I lead Ellie by the edges we go through a gate and climb up a ladder then we come up to rushing water "oh man" "you two hang back I'll go ahead" "be carful" I call we slowly jump from one tank to another dad catches us for a longer jump me and Ellie jump on a bus but when dad does it starts to move "dad dad grab my hand" i shout but he falls and gets trapped me and Ellie jump in the bus and try to pry open the door we do but the bus jerks "Ellie gimme your hand Ellie " dad shouts but we both fall in the water the current takes us in l directions I try and find Ellie but I can't I look for dad but I don't see him either I suddenly get pushed down a pipe and I gasp for air I look around and I'm alone "dad Ellie anyone" I shout but I don't get an answer I stand and start walking when I get above ground I sigh in relief seeing the hospital not far "okay you got this Ash it just a walk through the city yup totally fine" I shift my bag and start the walk to the hospital hoping dad and Ellie are there and okay.

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