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Tess gets back with word about the guns and we leave Ellie walks beside me as dad and Tess talk quietly "Ellie once we're out there I need you to follow Ash okay shes been out there enough to know what to do" I nod to Ellie and get her to follow me we come out of the tunnels and see patrols ahead but the rain is gonna make this difficult dad suddenly gets knocked down a solider aims her gun at us "don't do anything stupid" we all raise our hands and get on our knees they start to scan us but I can see Ellie getting more and more nervous I frown but my head is jerked to the side as they scan me when he gets to Ellie she stabs him in the leg and dad tackled him I turn to the other one and aim my gun at her but Tess quickly shoots her too she's always hated me doing any sort of killing with non infected

"Oh fuck I thought we were just gonna hold them up or something" Ellie said looking at the now dead soldiers that's when I see the scanner it reads infected "Tess dad look" I hand it to them " Jesus Christ Marlene set us up why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl"dad asked venom clear in his voice "I'm not infected" "no just lying" dad said throwing the scanner "I can explain" "well you better fast" Tess said aiming her gun at Ellie that's when I step forward and push it down "fuck guys calm down I've been with her this whole time she's never shown any signs "

Ellie rolls up her sleeve and shows her bit mark but it looks different like it's scarring it's not red or blistering it's healing "look at this it's three weeks old " "no everyone turns in two day so you stop bullshiting" Tess said "it's three weeks I swear why would she set you up" "I ain't buying it shit Tess run RUN" dad yells

We run past soldiers hiding in the trenches and ducking away from their lights I had to pull Ellie away from some a couple times the buildings give us cover to slide by more patrols we crawl through a pipe where we can gather supplies we push further and find a place to catch our breath dad and Tess gather stuff while me and Ellie look around

When we get further from the walls Ellie sits down while Tess kneels next to her "okay what was the plan let's say we deliver you to the fireflies what then" " Marlene she said that they have their own little quarantine zone with doctors they're still trying to find a cure" dad scoffs "yeah we've heard that before huh Tess" "and that whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine" dad rolls his eyes "oh Jesus " "that's what she said" Ellie replied "oh I'm sure she did"

"Hey fuck you man I didn't ask for this" I grab Ellie's shoulder and softly pull her away from dad and Tess we look out into the destroyed city "sorry he's a bit of a dick sometimes" she scoffs "only sometimes huh" I shrug "okay all the time but he's uh he's good when you get to know him" Ellie looks back at the adults talking "he doesn't seem like the sharing type " I nod "and you'd be right honestly I barely know him I call him dad but he's always been distant with me"

"Hey girls come on we're moving out" we follow the adults the buildings always looked so pretty in day light but now with the rain and darkness they look scary and ominous the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I hear the loud screams of infected "Tess I hear infected but they're pretty far away" the women nods to me "alright Houston stay close "

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