Hide and seek

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"Find them" I shoot up hearing the loud voice Ellie doing the same "fuck" I whisper and check the window seeing men outside "they must've tracked us" I bit my lip and nod "I'll draw them away from here" Ellie said I shake my head "no way in hell Els I either do it or we do it together " the auburn haired girl groans "your such a dick sometimes " I smile "come on don't you start with me" I tease I walk over to dad and whisper "we'll come back for you pops " I whisper

We sneak the horse outside and start riding away from the house suddenly a man grabs us screaming he has us i pull out my pistol and shoot his head "ELLIE MOVE" I scream

We race down the street I shoot at anyone who's shooting at us then they shoot the horse right in the head we fly off and land harshly on our backs "fuck shit come on" I grab Ellie and we run into a house I pull out my bow and place my finger to my lips Ellie nods we sneak around them I take out any who are in our way silently we almost make it out till David grabs Ellie "ELLIE" I shout and go to jump on him but he pushes me aside and I hit my head off something

I groan feeling the pounding headache I rub my temple and look around I see Ellie just waking up I crawl over to her and cup her cheeks as she wake when she does I silently ask if she's okay she nod and we both turn that's when we see a man cutting up a human body we gasp and scramble away the man sees we are awake and leaves the room panting I turn to Ellie and grab her hand "listen to me don't be the damn hero okay you just fucking run got it" "what I'm not-got it" I interrupt she sighs and nods

"How are you feeling" David asks i scoff "amazing" i reply he smiles and gives us a tray of food "I know your all hungry " i scoff "I'll pass on human stew" i growl David smiles "it's deer actually " I hummed "only a side of human then" the man shakes his head "no just the deer meat I promise " Ellie scoffs "your a fucking animal" she kneels down and takes a bit I let her have it " awfully quick to Judd since you and your friend killed how many of our men" "they shot at us first" I answer David scoffs "I'm not talking to you" I slam into the bars "well that's to bad cause your never laying another hand on her" I growl David smirks and looks to Ellie "seems like your not the only loyal one" he then grabs my shirt and slams me into the bars the last thing I hear is Ellie calling my name

When I wake I'm in the back of a cabin I'm in a cage but the fuckers didn't check me I reach in my hair and grab my pin and pick the lock and gets out "fuck Ellie I'm coming" I get out through a window my skin is numb instantly by the snow and wind "shit Ellie where are you" I whisper I make my way through the town hearing a bell ring and men saying Ellie escaped good now I just have to find her

I wonder around till I see a building it's starting to smoke "Ellie" I run in only armed with my hunting knife when I get in I see David walking around his shoulder is bleeding meaning Ellie got a hit on him I smile "that's my girl" I whisper then I see her crouched behind a booth I get behind her and cup her mouth she turns to me I smile and place my finger to my lips and cock my head to the side I lead the way and sneak behind David and stab his gut then run away when Ellie goes to do it she gets him in the chest but he grab her and flips her off him she gets knocked out I grab my knife and straddle David but he quickly knocks me down I hit my head again

I cough as I wake up the smoke is getting to thick I watch as Ellie starts to crawl to the
Machete but David gets up and kicks her "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE " I scream David turns to me "you both have heart but it's okay to give up ain't no shame in it" i scoff David then turns to Ellie and chuckled he kicks her again and straddles her his hands on her throat my heart is pounding I'm not gonna let Ellie die I stand and charge at him again and wrap my arms around his neck and start to choke him that's when Ellie gets the machete and slams it into his arm he screams and rolls over I push away from him and curl in on myself I can hear Ellie going crazy on him but I don't move I can't he was gonna kill us he was gonna kill Ellie and eat us what a fucking animal

Breathing becomes harder and there's a ringing in my ears then I feel strong arms around me I struggle against is "NO NO DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME" "Ashley Ashley hey it's me it's okay" I open my eyes and see dad I pant and start to cry "he was gonna dad" I cry he pulls me close along with Ellie "oh my girls shhhh it's okay it's okay now I got you"

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