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Me and Ellie sit in the back of the truck as dad drives to Pittsburgh Ellie is reading one of the comic books she stole from Bill I'm laying next to her reading along with her I groan seeing the cliff hanger "aw man" "hey what happened to sleeping" me and Ellie both sit up and I show dad the book "dad look worst fucking ending ever too be continued we'll never find the next one" I whine "where did you get that " "uhh back at Bill" I mumbled dad sighed and rubbed his temple "hey in our defence this stuff was just laying around " i voice "what else did you two get" I beam seeing my dad actually interested in what I'm talking about me and Ellie both pull out dvds "here you played this for me one time" I did handing him the dvd he chuckles and puts it in Ellie pulls out a adult magazine me and her both laughing at dads flustered state we toss out the window laughing her laugh it kinda like a drug I just want more of it every time

"Why don't you two gets some sleep" i shrug and rest my head against the seat when I wake up I'm laying down and not just on the seat on Ellie my head in her lap her hands in my hair "El?" I question in a sleepy voice "hey you looked really uncomfortable so I put you here and uh your hair was already pretty much undone so I just" I chuckled and sat up starting to redo the braid "thanks Ellie "

"No no no no" I hear looking away from Ellie I see us stopped cars blocking the road "now what" dad shakes his head and goes down a different road where we see a guy bleeding he's not actually hurt "seatbelt Ellie" I shout as dad speeds up "your such a mom" she grumbled we crashed and try to get our bearings but are dragged out of the car by men dad is getting pushed around I slam my head back into my captors face then stab my knife into his throat I look to Ellie and see she's not doing well I charge forward and jump on the guys back and start stabbing he falls to the ground

We get surrounded but dad deals with them and we run away as fast as we can dad clears a way for us and takes out a whole bunch of them in a library I see Ellie take a joke book I smirk knowing I have a bunch of other ones in my bag I pull it out when she's not looking as she telling jokes to dad "hey El" she turns to me and I hold up my book "I walked into my sisters room and tripped over her bra it was a booby trap" I read Ellie laughs and dad gives a small smile we tell jokes back and forth as we continue our journey to the bridge

We sneak pat a lot of assholes but dad falls down an elevator shaft and gets separated "DAD JOEL" we both scream "are you guys okay" i scoff "no you scared the shit out of us" I shout "I'll find a way to yall be safe"

I lead Ellie down the hotel "fuck dad where are you" I whisper "hey hey" the other girl rest her hands in my shoulders and forces me to look at her "your dads fine okay we'll find him " i sigh and rest my head on her shoulder "fuck I'm so tried" she nods "I know me too we'll be able to rest once we're out of this city"

We walk a bit longer till we hear a slash running towards it I see dad getting pushed under water by someone not thinking I jump down and land on his back but the man grabs my arm and throws me I land roughly on my shoulder hearing a pop in my left shoulder I scream in pain then I watch as Ellie shoots the guy in the head my dad gasping for air looks at her "man I shot the hell out of that guy huh ugh I feel sick " Dad nods and rushes over to me and picks me up I whimper in pain as she shushes me sitting me down on a crate "is she okay" dad cups my jaw and looks me deep in my eyes "sweet girl you popped your shoulder out I'm gonna have to pop it back in" I shake my head whimpering "I know I know but it'll be just a second Ellie can you hold her still" the girl nods and hugs me from behind "hey one last joke I tried to catch fog earlier I mist " I laugh then scream as dad pops my shoulder in "you did good sweet girl breath for us" I take a few deep breaths and nod

"I'm okay" I whisper as dad uses some cloth to make a sling "it'll be sore for a bit but you'll be okay" he turns to Ellie "why didn't you just hang back like I told you" he asked taking the gun from the other girls hands "well your glade I didn't right" he scoffs "I'm glade I didn't get my head blown off by a goddamn child" i scoff "shut up dad can't we just go" he sighs and helps me up the ladder Ellie following behind

We get to an area where they're everywhere "okay I'm gonna clear a path" "what about us" Ellie asks "you stay here" "this is so stupid we'd have more of a chance of you let me help" "I am here Ash will show you how to use it now if I get in trouble down there I'll need you okay" Ellie nods and takes the rifle i crouch and walk over to her as dad jumps down "okay cock it back good move it to your shoulder cause it's gonna kick back and good good you got this okay I'll steady your aim when you need it" she nods "how's the arm" "hurts like a bitch but I'll live"

Ellie does a great job protecting dad I barely ever have to correct her aim "alright come on down" dad shouts i pat Ellie's shoulder "your already a better shot then Bill" I say climbing down dad grabs a extra pistol and hands it to Ellie "this is more your size ain't it " she smiles and takes it and we continue on

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