Left behind

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It's around noon when we reach the building water floods the road making Ellie gulp "uh just so it's out there I can't swim" "it's okay it's shallow in the right side" I whisper leading her on

Dad opens the door his shoulder slump oh no the fireflies are dead Tess scrambles to check the bodies trying to find a map or something then I see it a bit mark on her shoulder it already looks worse then Ellie's I silently walk up to her and move her shirt away tears fill my eyes as I look at her "Tess why didn't you-shhhhh" she hugged me tight she is like a mother to me and I'm about to lose her "Joel this is real I got mine an hour ago and it already looks worse then hers please can't you just do this for me get her to Tommy's " dad starts to say no but I pull away from Tess and push his "FUCK YOU DAD CANT YOU JUST DO THIS FOR ONCE THINK ABOUT OTHER BEFORE YOURSELF" I scream it's silent till we hear trucks coming "shit they're here I'll hold them off but you have to run" "you want us to just leave you " Tess nods "yes I will not turn into one of those things now go" she pushes dad and he starts to move Ellie follows him closely but I stand in front of Tess

I sniffle "sweet girl it's okay " I shake my head in her chest she then pulls me away and kisses my forehead "go and take care of your dad okay" I nod and run after dad and Ellie

We hear gun shots a few minutes later I can see Tess's body I bit my lip till it draws blood me dad and Ellie escape the building picking up a rifle on the way and run down a subway "Spores" I shout putting on my mask I notice Ellie doesn't and she isn't coughing dad asks how's she breathing it in and she simply said she wasn't lying I use my bow and kill the two soldiers blocking our way we run till we come up to a flooded area "I'll stay with Ellie you finds a way over " I voice

I lead Ellie to the side where we can walk "he's not gonna leave us is he" i scoff "he wishes he could get ride of me that easily" dad finds a small raft thing that Ellie and stand on while he swim I jump in the water and climb up after dad "ugh I hate being all wet" i grumbled we find the exit i sigh in relief and take off the mask dad sites down and runs his temple "hey uh I'm sorry about Tess" "here's how this is gonna work you don't mention Tess ever matter fact let's just keep our history to ourselves secondly don't tell anybody about your condition though either think you're crazy or they'll try to kill you and lastly you do what I say when I say it we clear" Ellie nods "sure " "repeat it" "what you say goes" he nods "good and ash" I look up from my shoes "we're gonna talk about what you said back there" I cross my arms and nod

Dad sighs "good now there's a town a few miles North from here a fella there owes me some favours maybe he can get us a car"

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