Go big horns

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It takes a few days but we make it dads trying to teach us how football works but I'm only half listening as him and Ellie talk I rest my head on the girls back and start to drift off to the lull of the horse

When I wake we're going through a gate I hear dad talking about how he wanted to be a singer when he was younger I giggled against Ellie's back "that explains a lot pops" I voice my voice still filled with sleep

We see monkeys but something tells me to stay away from them dad climbs into a building and clears it then we find the lab we find it abandoned I can see Ellie's shoulders drop I rest my hand on one and give a smile "we'll find them Els" I whisper then we find a tape recorder the man said they're moving to Salt Lake City I groan knowing that's another few weeks of riding then I see lights I turn to them thinking they're fireflies but my eyes widen I grab dad and Ellie and yank them down "we gotta go" I voice

We sneak through the building dad takes the lead we fight our way down "I'm starting to run out here" I call shooting another man "yeah me too come on keep moving" dad voices we get to the second floor stairwell dad goes to open the door but suddenly a man bursts through and slams dad against a railing my dad pushes him away but the railing breaks and they fall dad lands on a rebar "dad fuck come on Ellie" we climb down and I kneel next to dad "shit dad what do we do tell me what to do" I beg " move" "what" he grabs me and Ellie and pushes us aside and he shoots two other men I stand once they're dead and rest my hand where the rebar is "I'm gonna need you both to pull" "okay one two three" we pull and dad screams "El I take point you watch dad" she nods and I go ahead I take out men left and right clearing a path for them

We finally get to the horse and I push dad up "El take the front I'll take the back" with that we ride away I look back and nod "I think we're all good" I say "pops you good" instead of an answer he falls off me and Ellie both jumps down "Joel shit get up get up" she begs i start to shake his shoulders "pops come on you gotta tell us what to do dad DAD" I scream

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