The brothers

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We get chased by a fucking tank but dad leads us into a building through a window but as soon as he's in someone grabs him Ellie jumps in and goes to slash at him but she's knocked away that's when I see a kid aiming a gun at dad "dad dad stop" I scream pulling him away he stand in front of me and Ellie "easy son" dad said the older man goes up to him and takes the gun "I'm Henry this is Sam and uh sorry I thought you were one of them till I saw them they don't carry kids around" Ellie steps forward "I'm Ellie this is Ash and Joel"

"How many are with you" dad asks "they're all dead" Sam spoke "hey we don't know that" Henry said sternly to the boy he turns to dad and sighs "there were a bunch of us someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city look for supplies those fuckers ambushed us scattered us now it's all about getting out of this shithole" I look to dad "maybe we can help each other"

"Ashley" dad remarked "she's right safety in numbers and all that" Ellie added "their right we could help each other we got a hide out not to far from here be safer if we chat there" Henry said

Dad looks at him then at us and sighs "alright take us there"

Ellie and Sam talk but I remain quiet I don't trust them one bit we make our way into an old toy store and end up having to hide so the truck tank thing doesn't see us dad takes out some guys and we move on into an old office building dad and Henry talk about the next step while me Sam and Ellie eat some blueberries "hey kiddo" I turn my head and see dad standing in front of me "what's up pops" "we're leaving tonight try and get some rest " I give him a mock salute as he walks away Ellie turns to me and gives a smile "he doesn't seem like such a dick anymore" she whispered I chuckled "yeah he's alright " I mumbled shifting my shoulder but then hissing in pain "hey take it easy Ash" Ellie spoke softly helping me adjust so I'm more comfortable "I hate getting hurt like this how am I supposed to protect you and dad" Ellie hums and moves my head to her shoulder "we'll protect each other okay now get some sleep" i grumbled into the girls shoulder "so bossy" she chuckled "get some sleep" she whispered and so I did

"Ash hey wake up" i groan and rub my eyes "five more minutes " I hear Ellie laugh "I guess we'll just leave you here then" I mutter something about her being annoying under my breath and get up dad is waiting with Henry and Sam dad kneels in front of me and bushes some stray hair out of my face I can't help but lean into it "Ash we're gonna be moving fast you'll always be first after Sam okay" I pull away "what dad no what abo-Ashley your arm isn't healed me and Ellie will manage if something happens we clear" I nod and follow the group out the door

Dad and Henry take the lead the men take out the men and we sneak inside the gate unfortunately the truck spots us we rush to a truck dad boosts up Henry then Sam me then Elli that's when they leave "you gotta be fucking kidding me " I shout at them me and Ellie jump down and follow dad into a building dad takes out the guys around us silently then we run as fast as possible the truck is chasing us "fuck this is a little overkill" I shout as we come up to a huge hole in the bridge "shit how many bullets do you got " dad asks Ellie "they're gonna kill us" "what chose do we have" I look over the edge and sigh "this is gonna suck" I grab Ellie's hand "don't let go of me no matter what" Ellie nods thinking the same thing as me "see you on the other side pops" I say jumping off the bridge Ellie's hand locked with mine

We land on the shore all unharmed well dads not in the best shape Henry had to drag him to shore when I see dad start to wake up I smirk "hey pops glad you decided to join us" he groans and starts to stand up "see what I tell you he's fine Sam was the one who spotted you-" dad pushes him to the ground and aims a gun at him we all start yelling but Henry convinced dad not to kill him with that we start our journey to the radio tower

"That was intense you cool" Ellie asks dad the man nods "yeah let's go find that radio tower" i nod and walk up next to Ellie seeing she shivering slightly i reach in my bag and pull out a sweater that stayed dryish and put it around her shoulders she smiles "thanks Ash " I hummed and ran over to an old boat grabbing what supplies I can

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