When the seasons change

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Weeks start to blur together as we make our way through the country to Tommy's my shoulder heals just as the leaves start to fall we finally make it to Jackson county where Tommy apparently is "Jackson county means we're close to Jackson city right" Ellie questions dad nods "shouldn't be more then a few miles" he said "so ready to see dear old brother Tommy" I ask he shrugs "I'm just ready to get there" I hummed as he walked ahead I leaned closer to Ellie and whispered "that means he's nervous " Ellie chuckled as dad sighed " I don't know what I'm feelin"

As we walk the road ends we climb down easily but Ellie is asking questions while climbing down I wait below just in case she falls as she asks about what happened with dad and Tommy "I don't even know what happened between I think it had something to do with the fireflies" I whisper watching dad as he walks ahead then we come up to a building blocking the water "whoa what is that" Ellie asks "that right there is a hydroelectric power plant" I raise a brow "how does it work" "it uses the waters movement to turn it into electricity " i hummed and look to Ellie who shrugs

Dad moves some of the panels for me and Ellie to walk on "you know you don't have to stay with me I'll wait till Joel gets the panel " I shake my head "you think I WANT to get all wet " I ask Ellie shrugs and we continue on dad giving us both high fives

When we have nowhere to go we come up to a plant dad said we'll have to cut through it as we come up to the door we hear guns loading I pull Ellie behind me and stand in front of her "don't even think about reaching for your weapons " a women's voice says i scoff "wouldn't dream of it" I mumbled as I push Ellie's hand down with her gun "please tell me your lost" she voices dad raises his hands "we didn't know the place was occupied we're just trying to make our way through" the women doesn't budge though "through to where" "they're alright" a man's voice says "what you know these people" she asks "I know him he's my goddamn brother" he answers and opens the door

The brothers hug and talk I find out the women is technically my aunt she turns to us and smiles "who are you two" Ellie steps around me "I'm Ellie this is Ash" I give a wave "hi auntie it's nice to meet you" I say Tommy and Maria look to dad he nods "it's a long story" i scoff "well my story started with you and mom havin-that's not necessary Kid" dad interrupts I chuckled and so did everyone else they bring us inside and offer us food

We meets some horses me and Ellie pet them then we follow the adults inside Maria gets a call the the turbines are about to turn on "ugh I'd rather be with the girls" Tommy nods giving her a smile "it's my turns anyway I'll go" dad said he'll go too all while telling us to get some food I smirk "we don't have to be told twice" I joked running after Maria

Maria sits us down in a room and gives us some food i wolf it down "heh how long have you girls been travelling" the blonde asks Ellie shrugs still eating "awhile a few months I'm not sure " I nodded "yeah it's been a long journey" Maria hummed and watched us as we ate then we hear a rumble and lights start to turn on Maria smiles me and Ellie smile as well "so how did you meet uncle Tommy" I ask Maria laughs and starts telling us how they met we all laugh but then we hear an alarm "what the hell is that " Ellie asks "we're under attack you girls know how to shoot" i scoff and pull out my bow "is water wet" I mock

I shoot yet another bandit in the head when I reach for another arrow I come up empty "shit " I whisper pulling out my rifle "how much bullets you got left" I ask both other girls "not nearly enough" Maria said "girls get down" she yelled we both ducks as one guy starts shooting I cover Ellie with my body as glass shatters above us then Tommy and dad appear they deal with the bandits and we run to them dad holds each of our shoulders as Ellie rambles about what happened once she's done I punch his shoulder "you took your time getting here " dad apologized and asked if we were hurt we both say no

Tommy goes to talk to Maria she ends up yelling about something "what's that all about " Ellie asks when dad doesn't answer I stand "does that have to do with Ellie" "we'll talk about it later" dad answers "did he tell you where the lab is" Ellie pushes "we'll talk about it later" dad said sternly i scoff "right later" I say knowing damn well we wouldn't I grab Ellie and we start walking towards the horses "come on" I voice "what where are we going" "away from my asshole of a father" I get on a horse then help Ellie up and we ride away

We ride up to a house and I help Ellie off the horse we make our way upstairs and I sit on a bed "he's just gonna pass you on like your some hand me down" I whisper she shakes her head "he can't" i scoff "he will he never keeps his word he always tries to pass his problems on to someone else he did it to mom he did it to Tess Tommy hell even me" I rant Ellie sits next to me and hugs me I rest my head on her shoulder "I can't just let him take you away I need to make sure you'll be okay" I whispered Ellie just holds me tighter

A few minutes later we hear dad calling us "up here" Ellie calls we hear dad footsteps and see him stop at the door i glare at him as Ellie reads over a diary "is this really all they had to worry about boys movies deciding which shirt goes with which skirt it's bizarre" "we're leaving come on" "and if we say no" Ellie asks dad steps forward "do you even realize what your life means huh running off like that putting your life at risk that pretty goddamn stupid" I stand up "she didn't make us run I did" dad looks at me confused but I keep going "dad all you do is run away from your problems you ran from mom you run from Tess and Sam and Henry you still run from Sarah " "Ashley don't you dare" he threatens " it's true dad I have to beg you to talk about someone we've lost have you ever thought we need to talk about it just like you need to talk about it"

"What do you want from me huh" he asks "I don't know admit you wanted to get ride of Ellie the whole time " dad sighs "listen Tommy knows this area better" "agh fuck that" Ellie shouts running her eyes "I'm sorry I trust him better then I trust myself " "stop with the bullshit what are you so afraid of that I'm gonna end up like Sam I can't get infected Joel I can take care of myself" "how many close calls have we had " i scoff "we've been doing pretty good so far" I shout dad turns to me "and now Ellie will be doing even better with Tommy " he shouts

"We're not her you know" "what" "Maria told us about Sarah and I-Ellie you are treading on some mighty thin ice " "I'm sorry about your daughter Joel but i have lost people too" "you have no idea what lost is" I laugh "seriously we all do she lost her best friend her parent and I've lost my mom my mother figure a sister a never even met and a dad who didn't even wanna be with me anyway " I shout Ellie steps forward "everyone I have cared for has either died or left me everyone fucking expect for you and Ash so don't tell me I'd be safer with someone else cause the truth is I'd just be more scared" "your right your not my daughter and I sure as hell ain't your dad "

Tommy burst in saying we're not alone i sigh and pull out my pistol and follow behind dad I'm not leaving Ellie I'll go with her and Tommy if it comes to that I think

After dealing with the bandits we all get on the horses me and Ellie ride together I hold her waist a little tighter then I should've but I don't want to leave her

When we come up to Jackson I smile "bet a bunch a people are watching movies or whatever they're called " i whisper Ellie nods I rest my chin on her shoulder "hey I'm coming with you okay " "what about your dad" I shrug "he never really wanted me anyway" I whisper she shakes her head "don't say that he cares about you" I hummed "he cares about you too"

"Where is this lab of theirs " me and Ellie both look to dad and smile " it's all the way out university Eastern Colorado" "go big horns girls get off your horse give it on back to Tommy I'm gonna hang on to this fella if that's alright with you gals go on don't make me repeat myself" me and Ellie smile and get off the horse and get on Ellie is right behind dad and I'm behind her I sigh happily as we ride away

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