Queen firefly

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We turn and see a women I recognize her from the wanted posters all around the QZ Marlene I think her name is "there ya go queen firefly" dad mocks I block out what Marlene is saying finding the strands of my scarf far more interesting I just follow behind the adults apparently to get our guns and then some we gotta smuggle something out of the city how hard can that be right

After jumping from roof to roof and dealing with some soldiers we go through a door to a warehouse "what the hell we smuggling" dad asks "I'll show you" when the firefly opens the last door with the help of dad she falls holding her wound my dad goes to help her but then a young girl with auburn hair and hazel eyes comes forward with a switchblade "get the fuck away from her" I quickly grab her wrist and point it away from dad we both kinda stare at each other for a second she looks like she's about my age and fuck she's really pretty "let her go"

" you're recruiting kind of young aren't you" dad asks "you're one to talk " she shoots back I raise a brow and shrug she's not wrong I've been helping Tess and dad smuggle since I was small "shit what happened" "don't worry this is fixable I got us help but I'm not coming with you" "then I'm staying" she sighs "Ellie we won't get another shot at this" Ellie so that's her name I think tracing her features with my eyes I note the scar on her eyebrow and her freckles that reflect in the sun perfectly wait what the fuck is wrong with me she's a job now that's all man I gotta get my head in the game

We make our way through town I walk silently behind dad Ellie is close behind but she walks next to me "so is he your dad or something " I bit my cheek and nod "you don't talk a lot do you" I shrug and help dad move a dumpster so we can climb up to where the next tunnel entrance is

Ellie and my dad bicker back and forth it honestly makes me a little jealous he barely says anything to me most of the time dad slumps down into a couch while I go and fiddle with some of my supplies taking note on what I have "so your dad is asleep " I nod "no shit" I mumble taking out my knife and cleaning some blood off it "do you need any help" i sigh I just want some quiet but I don't wanna be rude and honestly I'd be bored too "sure uh can you check my mask see if there's any cracks or anything" the girl nods and looks over my mask maybe she isn't just a job

We sit on a small couch facing the widow and watch the rain as it gets dark "I've never been outside before what's it like" I give a small smile "it's freeing if you know there isn't infected around the air is so fresh and animals are everywhere" she hummed "how long have you been smuggling" I look to Ellie and shrug "since I was small I can't remember how old I was " "ever smuggle a kid" I chuckled "no this is the first time someone my age has been around" dad suddenly wakes up I turn to him in concern but don't say anything I know he was dreaming about Sarah just by the look in his eyes

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