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We make it to the outside I walk ahead "be carful kiddo" dad calls i scoff and start walking backwards "you should be talking to Tess about that" Tess gasps in mock offence but I'm too busy looking around Mother Nature has taken back the roads and buildings I can hear birds chirping I wish I could draw but the most I can do is a stick figure dad finds the ladder and places it "Ash hey come on " dad calls I nod and climb up behind him

We run into some spores meaning infected are close I put my mask on and follow behind the adults dad moves some planks but the ceiling almost falls on him "you okay" Tess asks "yeah the damn ceiling is falling apart we can squeeze through here" we do but a man grabs at my ankle I yelp and jump away "help me I don't want to turn into one of those things" I kneel next to him and pull out my knife I stab him through the temple he dies quickly "better not waste ammo" I mumbled walking ahead

We enter a room "that poor bastard" Tess started saying but I put my hand up and shush her then we hear the screams of infected I look back to bad "I think there's 3 maybe 4" he nods "okay let her smart about this " i nod and sneak behind one I wrap my arms around it's neck it struggles against me but I quickly break its neck it falls dad and Tess deal with the other two and we walk out easily

We take our masks off and go to enter back into the city we cross a plank and then a building Tess trades a kid some ration card to make sure the coast is clear "you know he's expecting us" dad states Tess shrugs "it'll make things more interesting" when the kid knocks on the window and we walk through the market then men stare at me it's not everyday you see a 14 year old girl outside the zones but with smugglers it's unheard of

We get confirmation from some guy that Robert is back at the wharf then we see three men "here we go" dad mumbled "let us through" Tess stated "you guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you" i tilt my head "you'll let us through if YOU know what's good for you" i utter the men laugh "you see this little bitch girl threatening me turn the fuck back around" I roll my eyes as Tess steps forward "fuck this" she shoots the middle man as the other scramble for cover i duck behind cover and pull out my gun me and dad both shoot at the last two killing them instantly I walk up to the now dead man and lightly kick his foot "who's the little bitch now" "nicely done Houston " Tess spoke patting my shoulder

After jumping over a fence and dealing with some more of Roberts men we get to the docks men are everywhere "guess this is the party" I whisper "there's our boy" Tess points "son of a bitch let's go wrap this up"

Dad leads ahead taking out men silently it's honestly a little scary how he didn't even have to use a bullet we go to open Roberts office door but he starts shooting at us "come on Rob we just wanna talk" I shout "we got nothing to talk about" I roll my eyes and look to Tess "put your gun down Robert" he shoots once more but his clip is empty he runs dad chases after him

Robert runs to a dead end as we vault out the window "hello Robert" Tess said Robert sighs "Tess Joel ah and little Ashley no hard feelings right" Tess smacked her lips "not at all" she said picking up a pipe when Robert runs Tess smashes the pipe against his shin he falls to the ground "where are our guns Robert" I ask "it's complicated alright look just hear me out" Tess nods to dad and he kneels next to Robert and kicks his face then starts to bend his arm he screams "stop stop I sold them " he pants as I look to dad "you did what now" "I didn't have much of a choice I owed someone" Tess scoffs "you owed us I'd say you bet on the wrong horse" "come on just give me a week" he begs "you know I would've done that if you hadn't tried to fucking kill me who has our guns" "I I can't dad breaks his arm "who has them Robert" "the fireflies i owed the fireflies"

Tess shoots him in the head "so what's the plan now" I ask hands in my pockets " we go get our merchandise back" "how?" Dad asks "I don't know we explain it to them look let's go find a firefly" "you won't have to look very far"

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