you are sick

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there aren't many things
that are worse than you
i tried for many years
to love you as you said you loved me
i looked for the good in your words
i cherished all of the money and time spent
i thanked you for everything
i hugged you
i laughed at your disgusting jokes
i turned away from your touch
i cried silently when you struck me
and what all have i done to you
to deserve this life you have made for me
where i was the villain in your story
before i took my first step
after all it was me
i was the one who found your infidelity
i told your wife
my grandmother
i informed her of your crimes
because it was me
who heard the words "i love you"
spoken to someone that was not her.
after all it was me
who kicked and screamed so hard
leaving a hole in the drywall
in the hallway, you can still see the patch
because you told me that my mother
did not love nor want me
but the joke is on you
because my mother does love me
my mother does want me
yet i want nothing to do with you
in fact i loathe you
and i wish to be freed from your prison.
so when you think about all of the things
that you have done
remember that you hated me
before i hated you
and after time has passed
and you have hurt all of the people
that you claim to love so dearly
you will die alone.
so pathetic
what a shame.

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