look at you
suit and tux
hair blonde as ever
and i see the smile
that once made my own lips quiver
and now what do i see
but a memory of who we were
14 and ignorant
kissing you against a tree
i guess i was different back then
and so were you
a nerdy boy with a shy girl
you could say we were cute together
i still remember that fight
when you defended me
i kind of miss you and me
and how perfectly we went together
we laughed
you were my best friend
i felt closer to you than anyone else
you protected me
and now i almost tear up
looking at your arm
around another girls waist
gazing at her
you look so in love
and she does too
but it's okay
i'm in love with someone else
all i have now
are memories and regrets
when i look at you
i see a future we never had
a past that i will never forget
because you were my first love
and my first heartbreak.
i guess you could say
ignorance is not always bliss.
Soundtrack to My Nightmares
PuisiA poetry collection filled by my deepest darkest secrets, thoughts, and feelings.