modern love is fucked

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hey you look good
thanks so do you
we should hang out sometime
yeah that'd be cool
what you tryna do tho?

the truth is
i don't really know
i decide when i meet you
how worth it you are
and the nature of our relationship

but more often then not,
our decisions do not correlate
and i am left sacrificing
my needs for yours

i let you finish
then i put my clothes back on
and leave.

wondering if it should've happened
in the very first place
and i can tell you now
that it shouldn't have.

what i really hope
is that my sex is too good
that you'll fall in love with my body
the way i moan and scream
my charisma
and shy, soft-spoken act

the truth is
i am so loud
and anxious
and annoying

they wouldn't want me as i come
so i laugh at myself in my head
as i sit in the bathtub for an hour
preparing myself for the act
i will soon commit

i laugh and laugh
as i walk up the stairs,
my purse hanging from my shoulder
nervously texting him
i've arrived

but then it's over
and i'm left with a faint memory
and no proof
that we ever had
any connection at all.

i laugh
because it's so funny
how i settle for this
when i know
i deserve better.

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