all the people are fake..

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"All the people are fake, their made out of metal... but I like you, and that is not fake."

Wilhelm hung up the phone shortly after saying the thing I've most wanted to hear but not in this situation. Leaving me in a confused mess.

Rushing around my room trying to find something warm to wear, I ended up just throwing on my purple hoodie, jeans and a beanie then running outside as quickly as I could to make it to my bike..

20 minutes later...

Making it into the football field was harder then I expected.

As I'm riding my bike into the football field as fast as I can I see Wille lying on the ground, not moving.

"Wille!" I yelled

he turned around onto his back and that made me breath out in relief.

I decided that this bike was no use at this point so I dropped it and started sprinting towards him.

I dropped to my knees on the ground next to him, eyeing his face trying to figure out what the hell he has gotten himself into.

"What have you done?" I ask him

"You came" he responded, ignoring what I said

"Are you high?"

I opened his eyes more with my hands to see that his pupils were dilated and his eyes were sorta red.

"What the hell are you on?!" I said now getting frustrated

"Sit up!" he had put all his weight down on the ground making it so much harder to pull him up

"Oh Simon.." He said, out of breath.

"Sit up!"

He was making this so difficult

"You came!" He said again.

"What have you done?" I asked

"thank you for coming" he replied ignoring my question once more. "You're really here." He said in disbelief as he goes to touch my face.

"Down Wille" I said as im still trying to get him to sit up properly.

"You're beautiful.... You're so beautiful." he said quickly

The amount of butterflies I got from that was insane, I smiled aswell but that all faded away shortly after I realized he will probably forget all of this tomorrow.

"Are you mad at me?" He said quietly. I made a face at him and continued to pull him up "get up. Come here. Come here!"

"Simon.." he says almost tripping over his own feet.

"You came!" He said happily. "yeah. " I replied.

I sling my arm over his shoulder to make sure he doesn't loose his balance. As we walk back to my bike he stops us to crash into my body with a hug.

"Oh,I'm so glad you're here." He said with relief. "I'm so glad you're here.."

"Okay that's enough" I said pulling him back. "Stop it."

"I don't want you to be mad.." he said with a slight pout of his face.

Oh my fucking god.

"Come on." I said quickly

"What?" He said laughing

After a very slow walk to my bike we finally made it, but I wouldn't be able to use it since I had him with me.

"Thanks for coming." He whispered

I leaned down to grab the bike off the ground and Wilhelm thought I was giving him a piggyback ride so he jumped onto my back, making me almost collapse to the ground with the sudden weight. "Wille get off." I said struggling.

he hopped off and started loosing his balance so he grabbed my hand in hopes I'd steady him, which I did "come here." I said grabbing my bike in one hand and his shoulder in the other.

I can not take him back to my house so the only option left was his dorm.

This is gonna be one hell of a walk back to his dorm.

45 minutes later..

That was the worst walk of my entire life.. Wille tripped over his own feet the whole walk back.

his dorm window was half open so it made it easier to open. I opened it as he was talking nonsense about grass and how it grows..

I grabbed his hand leading him to the window to jump in.

"Wille get in." I said, he turned around and paused to look at me. "Only if you come in with me"

" fine."

He smiled happily and climbed through the window while I followed behind him.

After we both made it into the room he was soaking wet from sweat.

"here we fucking go." I huffed under my breath

I go to grab a change of clothes from his small closet , I turn around and he's just standing in the middle of the room smiling and humming to himself.

I walked in front of him with the white shirt and pajama pants in my hand. "Wille can I change you into these?" I asked

"Mhmmm" he said tiredly

I removed his shirt and had him step out of his jeans, I then grabbed the pajama pants holding them for him to step into.

After successfully getting him dressed into looser clothes he made his way over to the bed to lay down.

I started to grab my things and head to the window to leave, but as soon as I reached it I felt a tug on the back my sweatshirt.

Turning around to face a half asleep Wilhelm who quietly mumbled out "stay please."

It was the middle of the night so it probably wasn't the safest to walk home alone.

"Okay fine but I'm sleeping on the opposite end of the bed." I said taking my shoes and hat off.

I got settled into the opposite side of the bed as him... As I almost fell asleep Wilhelms voice broke me out of my sleep "Simon.." he whispered from the other side of the bed

"mhm?" I said back

"Is it weird to you that I like you and like that I'm a boy and you're a boy and like I kinda wanna kiss you like really bad?" He said hesitantly

"no Wille it's okay, I'm okay with it." I said with a slight smile

"ok.." he then slowly sat up and gave me a very small peck on the lips then went back to lying down to go back to sleep, leaving me in my own thoughts

The action made me fall asleep with a smile on my face but I know he wouldn't remember any of it in the morning.

word count - 1129

AHHH. That took forever to write. Their may be typing mistakes in that somewhere and I apologize for it but I'm so excited to make these stories for you guys!

I don't have a lot of ideas for it though so comment any scenarios you may have!! Thanks❤️❤️

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