Valentines day.

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Two updates in two days??? Never been seen before from me😭 anyways enjoy!!


Feburary 13th 2023

The date read on my phone. I've been anticipating this day for I don't know how long now, me and simons first Valentine's together. I was hoping it would be last year but after all that shit happened I never had time to make up for it. This time I plan to.

It's been basically a full year since I came out to the entire country and it was a very rough start at first but now everything is amazing and people are very accepting.

Anyway, I'm sitting out front of Hillerska with Felice waiting for Malin to get the car to bring us to the shopping mall.

I invited Felice along with me to shop for some kind of jewelry for Simon for Valentine's Day, she's kind of my only friend here and I thought she'd be a good help at picking something out.

Malin picks us up shortly after and we begin our way to the mall.

We arrive after about 15 minutes and we hop out the car after thanking Malin.

"What are good jewelry stores?" I ask as soon as we step foot into the mall.

"Pandora has beautiful stuff, I got a necklace there once" Felice suggests as she grabs the necklace around her neck to show me.

"That's pretty, I'm thinking of getting him a ring though"

We walk into pandora and I am blown away by the options in here. "Wow, this store is huge" I mumbled to myself as we walked in.

"Come on we have to find a store worker to help us" Felice said and started making her way towards a woman in a white collared shirt and big pieces of jewelry on.

"Hello, I'm Carol what can I help you shop for today?" Carol asks politely

"I'm looking for rings, good for Valentine's Day?" I ask. "Oh that's perfect, she's one lucky girl" she smiles and looks towards Felice who's looking at necklaces on the other wall a few feet away from us.

"Oh my god no she's just my friend. I'm shopping for my boyfriend" I respond confidently.

"Oh I'm so sorry my mistakes! Well what does your boyfriend like?" She corrected herself quickly which was nice to see, usually people would look at me in disgust after..

"Well he likes the color red?" I exclaimed to her looking at the case of rings infront of her.

"I think I have the perfect thing!" She bends down and grabs out a ring from the cabinet that must've been new because it wasn't in the case I was looking at.

She pulls out a box and opens it to reveal a gorgeous ruby stone shaped into a heart and around it are tiny diamonds.

"We just got these in yesterday and they are selling fast" she said taking the ring out of the box and handing it to me to look at closer up

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"We just got these in yesterday and they are selling fast" she said taking the ring out of the box and handing it to me to look at closer up.

"This is absolutely beautiful. Do you have it in a size 8?" I asked as I examined the ring in my hands.

"I'm sure we do, one moment" she said as she walked to the back on the store and through the door that read employees only

Felice comes up next to me and picks up the ring I just had set down onto the counter. "This is Gorgeous, you have to get him this one" Felice insisted.

"I am, the lady is getting his size now" I say and soon after she comes walking out of the door with a small bag in her hand.

"We have it and I put it in the box and the bag for you because I assume you will be buying?" She asks

"Yes please." I pay and she goes through all the rules of returning it if I ever had to do so.

"Thank you" I say as we finish up and are about to walk out. "Of course dear, I hope your boyfriend enjoys it!" She says with a smile on her face.

The next day

February 14th 2023

Simon should be here in the next half hour and I'm starting to get nervous about the ring. I know he'll like it, he will...

I plug my phone into my Bluetooth speaker on my desk to play music because we always do when we hangout together.

I hear a knock on my door and I know exactly who it is. I get up and walk fast to answer the door. "Hi!" I say as soon as I open the door and wrap Simon into a hug before he can even step foot into my dorm.

Love of my life by Harry styles had just begun playing.

We let go of the hug as he walks in and quickly pulls his backpack off and grabs a small gift bag from the inside of it.

"Happy Valentine's Day Wille" he says as he hands me the bag. I take it from him and turn around and place it on my desk. "Happy Valentine's Day, open yours first though please I'm so nervous" I ramble

"Haha it's okay Wille, I'm sure I'll love it no matter what it is" he reassures me by giving me a quick kiss and then turns to the gift I hand him.

"I love this song by the way" he quickly adds as he begins opening the gift bag.

He pulls out all of the tissue paper from the bag and at the bottom sits a small little box with pandora written on it.

"Wilhelm... you really didn't have to you know" he looks at me with a little look of guilt but so much love.

"Babe it's okay really, I've been wanting to get you something like this for ages now" I add quickly so he can get a move on with opening it, I was so excited to see his reaction.

He grabs that small white box out and then pulls the small ribbon that's attached to the bottom to open it. He gasps as soon as he sees the band of the ring, with the tiny diamonds.

"This is so beautiful.." he says, pulling the ring out of the foam. He puts right on his finger and engulfs me in a hug.

"thank you thank you thank you." He mumbles into my neck and presses many many kisses to the side of my face. "I love you so much thank you." He says once more when he pulls back to look at me, holding the sides of my face.

"Of course Simon, I love you more" I kiss him on the lips not once but three times.

It soon turns into a heated make out. I bring us over to my bed but then he stops me.

"Okay come on open mine now!!" He says with a grin on his face.

"That can wait." I laughs and bring my lips back to his.

word count - 1195



I could've really drawn this out but I decided to stop it here 🫣

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